More about her/me!

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You remember my stands name right? Of course you do! Its Northern Downpour! It came from Panic! At The Disco. And mannnnnn I picked the right song.

When I was picking a name for it I didn't even listen to the song

I knew it was from the album Pretty.Odd but my favorites are: A Fever You Can't Sweat Out, Death Of A Bachelor, and Pray For The Wicked. So I didn't even bother listening to the full Pretty.Odd album itself.

I just listened to it not too long ago, and I decided that my stand cry was going to be, Weathervane but if I can find it in another language I like then I'll use that. Kind of like goodbye in L'italiano; ARIARIARIARIARI ARRIVIDERCCI or however the heck you spell it.

And one of ND's moves is gonna be named Pretty.Odd where she copy's the stands ability and buns it in her House Of Memories. (Which is like a safe haven)

Update: Weathervane in L'italiano is Banderuola. So my stand cry is OLAOLAOLAOLAOLAOLAOLAOLAOLA BANDERUOLA!

My stand I guess.Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang