Part 11

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"shhh, baby" he whispered in my ear.

And with that the rest of the night was crazy.


I woke up the next morning to see sleeping changkyun and a smile grew over my face.

I giggled and got up slowly trying not to awaken him.

Making my way to the bathroom.

When I looked into the mirror I saw red bite marks on my neck followed by rough hickeys.

"What the he-" you said passing you fingers over the spot. Eventually you shrugged it off thinking it was just cause the night was intense.

You cleaned up and put on one of changkyuns t-shirts. It was pretty big but, whatever.

You got curious about what his house looked like so you decided to walk around.

You saw a bunch of architecture around the house and was fascinated about his taste.

After you were finished you grabbed you went upstairs to grab your phone from the desk.

Noticing he was still asleep you were confused.

Maybe he was tired?

You shrugged it off and went downstairs.

After scrolling through TV channels and looking through Instagram posts you grew thristy.

You got  up and went into the fridge to get some juice.

While you were in the kitchen you noticed that there were no cups.

Does he drink in a bowl?

You laughed silently quickly reverting back to seriousness.

You walked towards the fridge and reached out to open it when suddenly you felt changkyun back hug you, his head burried in your neck.

You smiled.

"Yo" you said softly giggling.

He laughed softly and morning voice was so hot and soothing.

"Yeoo" he replied.

You turned around softly putting your hands around his neck.

"I have someone you wanna meet later, get dressed.... Boyfriend" you shyly giggled.

"Ok... babe" he smiled slowly removing from your trip and walking away.

As soon as he was out of vision you died mentally.

You squeaked your voice cheesing over the fact that your living that y/n life.

Once you were back in reality You sat on the couch and pulled out your phone.

Y/n: YEoO

Grace: wat

Y/n: I habve a manzs

Grace: is it i.m boi

Y/n: ye wai

Grace: is it apart of u plan

y/n: no

Grace: good.

Y/n: arent you happy for me

Grace: I'm just waiting to see how long this one will last

Y/n: u sound like my mom

Grace: nice to meet u too

Y/n: AnYWaYs

Grace: wat does he look lik

Y/n: see for yourself I ain't showing u

Grace: whyyyyyyy ;-_(

Y/n: you'll see him anyways

Grace: h0W???!

Y/n: come over and bring clothes for me address is 123-45 apple Ave

Grace: wait no I didn't agree

Y/n: yes you do

Grace: says who

Y/n: says me bitch

Grace: ok

Grace: bye hoe

Y/n: 🙄👋


Soon after, changkyun came down stairs.

Dang, he a snack.

I couldn't help but stare at him.

He started smirking, "what?" He said smiling.

"Oh, nothing" I smiled back and turned around to look at the TV"

He walked over and sat next to me.

"so who's the person" he said while looking through his phone.

"Grace, she's like a sister to me and she wants to meet you" I added.

"She's also brining clothes so" he looked at me and my outfit and smiled.

"Well I think you look fine babe" he brang me closer, inches away from his face.

"I know, I am fine, but wouldn't be better if I was looking even better?" I poked his nose.

"I'm content" he poked my nose aswell.

I smiled and reverted my eyes back to the TV.

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