Chapter 38: Everything could be a lie.....

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Midori kept on thinking what she had seen thta night during the last day of school before summer break.....

''Hmmm..........That Jaganu is not who he seems.....He must now both Sora and Bushi if he decided to come visit them....''

''Look it's Midori-senpai!!'' a bunch of girls started to crowd over her.

''Um I really need to get to my class.........Excuse me I.......''

''Everyone look!!'' Ayano shouted from across the hallway. ''The art contest results are posted!!''

Like moths attracted to light they rushed over...

''Thanks Ayano.......''Midori whispered as she walked towayds her.


''Moe-kun won!!'' A girl with lavender curls yelled.

''Obviously!! She's been painting and sketching since she could hold a pencil!!'' yelled another with green glasses and freckless.
''I want that toy NOW!!'' Haruto yelled as he threw his favorite airplane into the sink.

''Haruto!!'' Aoi yelled as she rushed over to him.

''Aoi-mama I really need some help with my summer homework!!'' Riku yelled.

''Coming!!'' she yelled as she ran back and forth.

''Aoi-san.......I finished cleaning up Hauto's mess that he made in your room......I accidently tipped over a lamp....'' Reo blushed slightly.

''Don't worry I'll get it!!'' Aoi tried not to panic....

''I'm home!!'' Midori cheered loudly as she walked in. but her smile didn't last long when she saw what was going on.....

Putting her bag on the floor she quickly sprang into action.

Midori rapidly opened the pages of Riku's book and quickly explained how to add and subtract fractions, once that was done she rushed to the storage cabinet, sweeped up the mess, threw the remains in the trash.....

''Aoi Haruto likes it when you pretend to be a fish!!'' Midori yelled and took the toy from the sink and started acting like a fish while swinging the airplane around.

Haruto started to laugh and willingly went into Midori's arms. She rushed over and put him in his crib and gave a small smile.

''Midori your so incredible at taking care of them......'' Aoi told her....

''I've been taking good care of them for years....So I know my stuff!''

Aoi nodded.

''May I visit Yuuki?'' Midori asked.

''Of course....'' Aoi replied as Midori walked upstairs to Sora's room.

Aoi stared at Midori one last time before sighing. It was her role to take care of them.....But Midori still persists in taking care of them, she did accept them living her after all, she could say that was some sort of improvement....

''She's too nice.......'' Aoi muttered to herself. ''She wants to handle everything on her own even the goals of others.....''

Midori opened the door to Sora's room.

''Can I come in?''

''Sure.....'' Sora muttered her voice raspy.

''How are you doing so far?'' Midori asked as she plopped herself on Sora's bed and checked her forehead.

''I'm a lot better actually......I'm only feeling a small bit of pain, but I regenerate pretty fast.''


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