Chapter one : 9th grade

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"How does she walk to school every day and still be the same size?"

" She should call a doctor before she passes out"

" if I was her I would work out immediately "

As I walked down on the concrete that led to my school i heard everything that they say about me. I know that I'm not a stick I feel that people shouldn't have to remind me every day of my obesity.
The more my feet met the ground the more I felt the urge to cry and run away from everything. School is not the place for me. It's not the place that I want to be at every Monday through Friday.

"Please everyone take your seats and start on the journal that's on the board" Ms.
J say tapping her pencil on the brown wooden desk that stood in front of her.

As I sat down in my seat I heard guys behind me making squeaking sound as if the desk that I sat in would make the same noise to.

I wanted to say something but I decided to ignore I opened the notebook I wonder how I was going to answer Ms.J journal for us " Describe yourself in three words and write a paragraph of each one?"

I barely knew myself the only self I knew of me was Fat , ugly, black, and uncomfortable. I took a deep breath, pushed my black box braids to my back and stared at the white empty paper in front of me. The only thing on it was my name Melody Lemont.

" ten minutes left then we would share" She say looking up and smiling at the class and putting her head back down to finish last minute grading.

I thought long and hard. I felt my palms getting sweaty and butterflies in my stomach. I played with my pencil thinking that would help me think of something nice to say about myself.

" Shy , Nice ,and intelligent " I say in my head as I wrote my paragraphs under the words.

"Okay times up. We'll go by Last names so first up Adams , Henry" She say holding a clip board and crossing off names as she go.

As the time went by if felt like everything went faster than reality. And finally it was comming close to the L's.

" Well rounded , pretty, and fashionable" Chelsea King say as she flips her Brazilian weave and walks to her seat as If she was Beyonce.

"Melody Lemont" Ms.J annouced and the whole class looked at me as of me getting out my seat was a hit thing.

" be careful and try not to fall meatball" Tevin Morales say he not the brightest kid in our class. But I can sure say he think he run everything. One joke the whole class thinks he's Kevin Hart , just because he has a fresh durag on every day with fly clothing.

" THATS ENOUGH TEVIN" Ms.J say as she used her eyes at me to start talking.

" Uhmm okay my three words are shy , nice , and intelligent " I say rubbing my wrist feeling those razor marks made me feel much more comfortable. I wanted to wear a jacket today but my mom suggested I didn't since it was 90° degree outside, so I wore a long sleeved shirt instead . It made feel like everything under me was hidden and made me feel more fit like my rolls was going to go away.

" okay now read the paragraphs under it" Ms.J say smiling at her desk with a red pen in her hand ready to give me my grade.

I looked at my paper i was to hesitant to speak. I looked up at the class who was staring back at me waiting for me to open my mouth and speak.

" it takes time for her to get her breath out dont worry Ms.J she'll speak soon" Tevin blurted out making the whole class erupted in laughter.

I felt like I was going to pass out. Hot tears came in my eyes making a hurtful lump in my throat. I dropped my notebook and ran out as fast as I could. Tears ran done my face as I slid down the wall next to the classroom door until I was sitting on my butt.

I knew I had to get up soon to grab my backpack, but I didn't want to go in there and face the music. It was only first period and i was already a mess I wish 9th grade could go by faster.

" 3 more months to deal with them and it would be summer time Mel " I say quietly I wonder if someone would come out and check on me but that never happened. They always say I'm doing it for attention but I'm not. I wish they were in my shoes and I bet they wouldn't last 5 minutes being me.

When the bell rung notifying us it was time for 2nd period I immediately got to my feet and went back into Ms.J class to collect my things.

As I walked to my desk I grabbed my book bag off the floor I wanted to get out there immediately. As I approached the door I heard Ms.J call my name and stopped me in my tracks.

" Melody hunny are you okay ?" She say touching my left shoulder. I put my blue backpack over my shoulders and turned to her so we could be face to face.

" I don't want to talk about it can i go before i mess the late bell" i say turning back around to face the tall brown door, watch her 2nd period students scatter into their seats.

" okay but tomorrow I want to see a happy new Melody " she say handing me my notebook i put it away as I walked out the door to head into my 2nd period class.

As i walked down the long hallway i wondered what she meant about "happy Melody" the way my life was set up I dont think I could ever be happy.

When I walked into gym class I shuffled my braids over my shoulders and put my backpack into my gym locker. I never liked gym class but I had no choice but to take it to graduate. Once I took my gym clothes out I scurried to find an empty restroom so I could change without anyone looking at me.

I looked down at my arms both filled with razor marks each one had a memory of they own. Taking a deep breath I pick up my school clothes and walked out the stalls that was put into the girls locker room. I unlocked my locker and stuffed everything in their and closed it shut and walked out into the gym.

" Oink oink " I hear Chelsea whisper to her friends that was sitting next to her on the black and red bleachers.

I took a seat in my appropriate spot indian style and sat there until Coach Kelly called row.

" We will be doing the pacer part of the fitness gram today ,so I want the first 5 girls of each row to line up along the line and wait until so" Coach Kelly say smiling at us and hooking up the radio so that we will be able to hear everything that the man say.

Just my luck I was on the first row. I stood up and stared at my black and white vans and walked to the line that Coach assigned us to.

" Ready set began" the first ding came and everyone started to run to finish line.

" woah look at you go Melody didn't think you could move that fast" Rachel say as we came to a halt.

Not even within five minutes of running I was already out of breath and sweating harder than ever. So I decided to stop and use my 5 laps that I did as a improvement for myself.

When gym was over I hurried to my gym locker to grab my things , as I opened it pictures of pigs fell out. I don't know what I did to deserve everything that they do.It felt like every day was the same thing. I wanted to do something about it but that would just make matters worse.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 02, 2019 ⏰

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