chapter three: The Pollywog (p3)

Start from the beginning

"Back with the Will thing, what if it was a coincidence," Dustin suggested.

"What if it's not?" Mike said. "What if when Will was stuck in the Upside Down, he somehow acquired True Sight."

"True Sight?" Lucas asked.

"It gives you the power to see into the ethereal plane," Dustin stated. I blanked out and stared at a wall until the boys started yelling at each other.

"A bond? Just because he likes nougat?" Mike asked in disbelief.

"Hey nougat is good! I thought you liked it?" I asked.

"No because he trusts me!" Dustin yelled at Mike everybody ignoring my comment. Rude.

"He trusts you?" Lucas asked.

"Yes, I promised that I would take care of him." Dustin said. Dart started screeching and I covered my ears again. His screeches hurt my ears a lot for some reason.

"Guys, what's going on? Come on," I heard Max banging on the door and her muffled voice through my covered ears. Dart escaped when Max managed to open the door and the boys started yelling at each other again.

"Shut up! Let's find him!" I started looking around for him. I started searching anywhere and everywhere by myself and I was about to go in the gym when I heard people talking.

"Why do you hate me so much?" Max asked him.

"I don't hate you," Mike told her. "How can I hate you? I don't know you."

"But you don't want me in your party," Max commented.

"Correct," Mike said.

"Why not?" Max asked.

"Because you're annoying," Mike said. (So Max is annoying, yet you somehow have fallen in love with her stepsister who is the reader who you also barely know, and is the annoying girls stepsister? Whatever floats your boat Mike. Also: bEcAuSe yOu'Re aNnoYiNg. Look at the picture at the top for context.)

I stopped listening to their conversation when I look to the left of me and see El.

"El? What are you doing here?" I asked her.

"Hi. I came here to see Mike," she said staring into the gymnasium. She saw Mike smiling while talking to Max and with one motion of her head Max was on the ground.

"What the hell was that for!?" I whisper-yelled at El. I pushed the doors of the gym open and I rushed over to Max.

"Hey! You okay?" I asked her.

*play song now, it gives emotional value to the rest of this chapter.*
"I'm fine it just feels like a magnetic pull forced me down or something," Max cringed at her fall. I looked over at Mike to see him staring where El just was. Me and Max walked home after that and to the big reveal that Neil wasn't home and neither was Susan. That made my day better. Me and Max just grabbed some granola bars and talked for a bit when Billy came home. I went to his room and knocked on his door with the secret knock we made when we were 7. I know it sounds dorky, but underneath "bad boy Billy,"he's just a softy with a big heart and he might come off as rude but he's just trying to protect the people he cares about which is now a very few people. (..if you watched season 3 then you know me writing that part gave me some war flashbacks 😭.) He opened the door and I sat on a bean bag chair he had in his room.

"Hey Billy, where's that girls from earlier?" I asked him.

"She got annoying so I dropped her off at her house and came back here," he answered.

"Well we haven't talked in a while so I thought we could just talk about stuff," I smiled.

"Okay, uh, any boys giving you trouble? Is it Harrington? Am I going to have to beat his or someone else's ass?" He asked. He was obviously joking. I think.

"No, nobody is giving me trouble, but there's something I wanted to tell you," I looked at him nervously.

"Are you pregnant?" He asked me looking unamused.

"No obviously not Jesus! What do you think I am a whore? No guys even like me and I don't like any guys here anyway! I just- there's this thing and I'm scared." I moved my hair to show him the tattoo/rubbed off the foundation to show him the tattoo. "Remember when I went missing when we were little?" He nodded, "Well some scientists must have done some experiments on me or something because I can do things with my mind like turn lights on or off and move things with my mind. I'm just... scared," I said crying. He got up from where he was sitting and hugged me to which I hugged back. I kept sobbing 'I'm scared' into his chest from how he was hugging me.

"It's going to be okay, got it? As my duty of being your brother I won't let anything happen to you. I promise. I would die before let something happen to you, and I know I'm rude to Max but that goes for her too. I would risk my life for both of you since I lo- care for both of you shitheads, got it?" He said. I got out of the hug nodded and laughed slightly from the 'shitheads' part. Maybe things weren't going to be so bad after all. (Sike you thought (Y/N), things only get worse from here 🤪.)

Hey guys! Two chapters in one day, who am I? Anyways I ended up cryinggg when I wrote that little Billy and reader talk. Billy was just an misunderstood boy who missed his mom and wanted to feel loved 😭. Also y'all have powers now yay. Also I made this chapter super long since I have nothing else to do with my life :). See you in the next chapter, bye! ~Crixbabyy.

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