Chapter 2

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         "Sir, with all due respect, I've told you what I've done the entire day four times already and you are beginning to get on my nerves." I said to the overly angry policeman after he asked to repeat what I had done prior to getting Himiko Toga out of the burning building. For the fifth time.

         "I don't give a damn how you feel, it's my job to ask the questions and get answers out of you." He says as he nearly spat at me while talking.

         "I haven't done anything wrong and, like I've already said, I didn't have anything to do with the building exploding and catching fire. I know what you want me to say and do for you to do what you really want. You want me to lie and admit to destroying the building so that you can meet some villain quota because I have phantom blood in me, and you, just like everyone else that doesn't know me, think me to be a villain-in-secret. You fear me, you unjustly hate me and want to see me suffer for no reason." I reply to the officer as calmly as possible but with the screeching headache I have from my earlier actions was making it extremely difficult to keep my growing frustration in check.

         Right after I said that, he nearly leapt from his chair and flipped the table over in anger as he shouted numerous insults at me and told me in about four different ways to watch my mouth before he charges me with threatening an officer and resisting arrest. I told him that I made no such threat, I'm not resisting anything and that he was the one getting offended because I spoke the truth. He readied his hand to strike me and unbeknownst to him, I had already conjured a few small blades that were spinning behind my chair in preparation of this. Part of me thought to end this foolish shouting right now and another part of me said to use them to soften the blow in the event he did strike me.

         "You shouldn't even be here. You should have left this world a long time ago and all of you should have died out when you were being hunted. Thankfully, you're the only one left of your kind and no one would bat an eye if you were to go missing, now would they?" I watched him reach for his gun as he was saying this and just as he was preparing to shoot me dead, the door opens. All Might was standing in the doorway looking utterly disappointed and Himiko Toga was behind All Might.

         "That's out of line officer. Young Vincent and Himiko are coming with me. Your 'questioning' is done." All Might said as he waved his hand for me to go to him. I de-summoned the blades and as I walked over to him, I said aloud that it was people like that officer being the reason why I'm the only living person with phantom blood left in the world. I didn't bother asking about how Toga's questioning went because taking one look at the fresh bruises on her wrists and hands made it clear how it went. I wasn't paying too much attention to what All Might was saying until he proposed a question I never thought I'd be asked.

         "Vincent Christin Mikasuki and Himiko Toga. Would the two of you take the chance to change the public opinion of you and work towards becoming heroes?"

         When he finished that sentence, I stopped in my tracks and listened to them echo in my head over and over. Not once did I ever think that the symbol of peace himself, All Might, would ask me, a perceived future villain because of his family quirk, if I wanted to become a hero. I was content with living my life in as much secrecy as possible and here he is offering to completely flip that upside down. When I decided to pay attention to reality again, I heard Toga sniffling and saying yes in an almost begging manner. I started to open my mouth to say yes but I instead asked him if there were any ulterior motives or things such as rehabilitation that we'd have to agree to. To my surprise, he said that his only motive was to do what he can to change our lives because he can see the crap that we've gone through up to now. All Might isn't one to lie and I didn't have any reason not to trust him.

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