First Mission

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Hello this is my first story plz don't be hard on me if this is bad I want to improve for anyone that reads thanks. I will explain during the story about how I write)

It's been 4 days since the sparing session and today is special.And everyone is currently waiting at the bar.

A.F.O:"Well since its Izuku's first mission I will be choosing who will go on the mission with him got it?"

Everyone:"Yes sir!"

A.F.O:"Ok here's the team Izuku,Toga,Tomrua,Kuroagi.Kuroagi I'm counting on you to get them out of there if nessary."

Kuro:"Of course sir."

Toga:<"Yay I'm going to be on Izu-kun.">

Tomura:<"This will be interesting to see how Izuku will do.">

A.F.O:"Tomura you know what to do."

Tomura:"Yes sensei."

A.F.O:"Now get going."

I+Tog+K+tom:"Yes sir."

A.F.O:<"Be careful Izuku.">

They leave the bar and now are driving to the place and in the car.

Tomura:"Ok the mission is to gain more supporters for the league of villains but they might want to test one of ours power so be ready ok?"

Izuku:"Yes sir."

Toga:"Ok Tomura."

Kuro:"Ok young master."

Tomura:"Izuku may I ask a question?"


Tomura:"Why did you become a villain?"

Izuku:"I won't answer that tomura."

Tomura:"Ok Izuku. <What could be his reason.">

Toga:Aww come on we want to know."

Izuku:"Toga-chan I just meet all of you I have my reasons."

Toga:"Ok Izu-kun."

Tomura:"We should be there soon."


(I'm having a bit of trouble but I have 2 questions 1 who should fight tommorw? 2 Should I add a random OP person who helps the league of villains every once in a while?)

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