Chuckling amusedly, Ramsay spoken. "I keep hearing stories about you, Bastard." For a bastard himself, he sure tossed that word around. "The way people in the North talk about you, that you're the greatest swordman who ever walked!" He began, his claiming words making the Amazon admire Jon even more at the new information. Although, his statement was factually incorrect.

"Maybe you are that good, maybe not. I don't know if I'd beat you, but I know that my army will beat yours. I have six thousand man and you have, what, half that? Not even? I would gladly sacrifice all their lives so long they bring me your head."

Having had enough of this man's unnecessary cruelty, she spoke up in a barely audible voice, still in place as she clung to the saddle's stem trying to calm down. "If we go to war, people will die on both sides. They will all die."

Having heard the soft pitched, accented voice; not quite seeing the source as her figure was hidden behind the wildling ginger, Ramsay almost chuckled at the simple mindedness of that sentence. "Yes, that's what soldiers do. They need to protect their liege lord. Do you understand?"

The air of nonchalance he held when answering bothered Diana even further, she hastily rode past Sansa and Jon and stopped in front of them, ignoring the looks of protest they sent her way. She gritted her teeth, and her fists clenched.

"No, I do not understand!" She yelled out, disdain to the man who stood in front of her obvious as daylight.

"You would knowingly sacrifice all those lives? As if they mean less than yours?! As if they mean nothing?!" Yelled out the dark haired beauty. She heeded no mind to the Snow calling out her name, rage fueling her entire existence.

"Diana, stop."

Realizing that the savage, Ramsay, wasn't angered by the woman shouting at him, but instead held a bemused smirk as he gazed at her, Jon hurried to the princess' side to try and get her away from the crazy bastard; who stood a few feet away, as soon as possible.

Diana simply yanked her arm away from Jon's hand. She was truly repulsed by Ramsay at the moment. Clearly, his soul was corrupted beyond saving.

"Where I come from, leaders don't hide in their castles like cowards. They fight alongside their soldiers. They die with them on the battlefield." Even more provoked that her words didn't affect Lord Bolton, seemingly amusing him, Diana breathed out a frustrated huff.

Jon had enough with the taller woman, exchanging looks with his sister. He knew that her words would not persuade a man like Ramsay. "Diana, that's enough!"

"You should be ashamed! You should be ashamed." With a shake of her head, she hissed through clenched teeth. Displaying her disapproval before riding to background once more.

Seeing the tall tanned beauty ride away from him in displeasure, the legitimized Snow chuckled from amusement.

She was wild, obviously not fearing him. The sudden realization hitting him that he wanted her. He wanted to own her, to tame her, and his body grew tense at the thought.

Sansa resisted a shudder when she saw her husband's gaze on Diana.

"She's good, she's very good. Feisty little thing." He said, and pointed his index finger at the frowning woman, grin growing more sadistic.

His malicious eyes sparkled like a child's would upon seeing a brand new toy, her attitude needed some breaking in, he thought.

Tearing his gaze off of Diana, Ramsay looked to Winterfell's bastard who glared daggers at him. "Tell me, will you let your little brother die because you're too proud to surrender?"

A Wonder By The Seven (Wonder Woman x Game of Thrones Crossover) [ON HOLD] Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz