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CITIZENS walked about in Winterfell's courtyard, tanning leather, sharpening weapons, and the like.

Mud squished under Diana's boots and stained the bottom of her coat, but she didn't mind.

"Keep your elbow high up, you want to rely all the hard labor to your back. Relax your bow arm." The Princess sauntered along the line where the young boys and girls stood, observing their forms and suggesting techniques of improvement.

"Your muscles tense up when you hold the string for too long, pull the string back to the center of your chin and quickly release."

A girl, no older than ten and three, did as Diana instructed, and a large toothy grin took over her features when the arrow hit the target. The dark haired woman kindly praised the younger girl, softly smiling.

Diana felt an odd sense of fulfillment as she taught those children. Perhaps it was their innocent, childishly satisfied smiles they sent her once their performance improved. Or perhaps it was that she has always been the student back on Themiscyra. No matter how skilled she became, her aunt Antiope never relented on vigorously training her. Nonetheless, she enjoyed spending her time with the young ones, especially since she grew up as the only child in all of her home.

Sensing someone's constant gaze along her figure as she helped with the practice, Diana spun back and slightly craned her neck upward to see the person. And she found that it was Jon who was peering over the snow covered stone catwalk to look at her.

The Amazon gave the young ones a break and softly excused herself to
crossed the immense exterior of Winterfell.

Elegantly, her feet moved up the stairs to reach where the King in the North was standing.

Jon Snow waited patiently for her to stand beside him, dedicating a bow of his head to her in greeting.

"They seem to have improved remarkably, thanks to you." He complimented, impressed by the speedy progress of the archers-in-training, some of whom were picking up arrows and putting them away.

"They have a long way to go still." Diana said with her beautifully accented voice. She gave him a grateful nod before placing one of her hands on the wooden pole in front of her.

In that lapse of time, Jon dedicated to observe how the Princess was dressed, once again in her metallic, Amazonian armor under a coat. The only difference was that her cotton cloak changed for hearty direwolf furs that nestled around her shoulders.

She seemed to be determined to be wearing those revealing clothes.

"Have you ever considered arming in something more weather-appropriate, Diana?" He blurted his inquiry out of nowhere, with no introductions.

Diana merely shook her head in denial. "I told you before, the cold doesn't bother me" She saw the look of disappointment his eyes held and then she looked down to her own outfit, an amused and wondrous smile then decorated her lips. "But it seems that my armor bothers you."

The King in the North looked down for a moment, he nervously swallowed before moving up his gaze to look at her, flatly confirming her accusation.

"I mean no offense, but of course it does." He honestly thought her so-called 'armor' didn't particularly protect much. "If it please you, Diana, I'll have Sansa make an appointment with the seamstress, to prepare something more comfortable for you."

His persistence on having her dress in something else made her narrow her eyes at him in confusion. "Why are you so adamant on me changing? This is what I wear into battle."

A Wonder By The Seven (Wonder Woman x Game of Thrones Crossover) [ON HOLD] حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن