Day 5 - 31/7/19 - Birthday Wishes

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6:49 PM

Hello, I'm back again, and tomorrow is my birthday! So I might be able to update, I probably will, but you never know, so don't be bummed if I don't make it!! Btw, I'm turning twelve! And today at school, I got sung happy birthday twice today!! :DDD

So I'm not sure where we're going, but I've heard we have to go by Ferry, which really makes my theriotype literally jump out when I can feel my hair blowing in the breeze! It's Koda who likes the air in her face, while I'm pretty sure my new fox theriotype likes to be still, but is quite the opposite of Koda. Koda is very quiet, introverted and just anti-social and comes off as cold and agressive (Though she is playful and friendly when with friends and family!). And I can feel that my fox theriotype is very social and friendly towards others. And today, a teacher I didn't like walked by and I growled, and not knowing it, my friend says, "Uh Lauren, why are you growling???" And I literally froze. Because she isn't someone I would of liked knowing that I'm a therian. So this journal is sort of my secret therian journal?? I don't know okay-

Well I also had a shift last week at school, when I started stressing out about my assignments because I had one tomorrow that I wasn't going to end up not handing-in on time, so I was freaking out a lot. So basically I started running around on all fours and growled at anyone that came near me, and one of my friends who knows I'm therian had to corner me and show me my hands, then I snapped out of it, I was so embarrassed!! At least people know I run around on all fours in my class, so it didn't seem that weird as everyone was doing they're own thing or free time.

Well I'm a twin and share my birthday with my sister, and I'm wanting to make her a present for tomorrow, so I'm going to make her a canvas painting of the ocean (Because she loves the sea, and guinea pigs). So I'll tell you how it goes tomorrow if I have time!!


Keep Howling!!

As Strong As a Wolf,

As Cunning as a Fox.

The strength of the Pack is the Wolf,

And the strength of the Wolf is the Pack.

As Wild as An Animal,

- LaurenWolfHeart

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