Sweet Melody

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Summary: He sings to her a song, one of his own, one inspired by the growing feeling in his chest.

Words count: 3605

A Follow Up Of : Care

Sweet Melody

A quiet hum, which was the soft sound of the barely audible tune being played was the first thing the (h/c) haired young woman woke to that morning.

Feigning sleep, she curiously peeked through one of her (e/c) eyes, trailing it towards the source of the melodic purrs, finding herself gazing at a familiar guest.

On her search, she could only find the golden blonde-haired Mother Base XO, Kazuhira Miller.

- And she probably should have known that it couldn't have been anyone else but him there so close to her, merely just enjoying his time.

He was there, casually sitting on what had become his usual seat placed right by her bedside, just inches away from her person. Currently, his head was inclined back, continuing on with the soft, unfamiliar tune, unaware of his little spectator.

There was a faint smile over him, the corners of his mouth lifted up by just a fraction as his index finger lightly tapped the chair's arm with rhythmic movements, the action causing little to no sound.

The full image of his serene expression was lightly obscured as she could only see his side profile, and that was with a bit of struggle in itself.

She wanted to see more: to be able to admire him even more than she was already able to, but was too afraid to move more than just her curious eye, afraid that if he knew she was awake, he'd stop.

She wanted to hear more of it, so with very slow and cautious movements, she turned her head towards him rather than the ceiling, both her eyes falling onto the man's scruffy, yet handsome face.

'He looks so beautiful,' She mused, the sight of him always being perfect in her eyes.

They were glued to him like bees on sweet, golden honey, taking all of him in.

And as she observed him more, she noticed him begin to move his naturally peachy pale colored lips, but rather than hear his voice ring out, soft breaths fell from between those two lovely lips.

Naturally, she assumed that the hushed sounds were the words to his little melody, and she wondered just what little song occupied his mind, and why the little thing had decided to be what he used to pass his time.

She then began to smile, a soft, closed one forming as she saw his head slightly swaying, moving from left to right with very steady movements,

'And I thought it couldn't get any better,' She told herself, feeling her face bloom with warmth, every other centimeter of her body following in suit as her blood was pumped with something delightfully sweet and warm.

"- What song is that?" she asked him suddenly, her voice somewhat croaky and weak, having just woken up.

She would have loved to bask in more of his sight as he enjoyed himself, but she also wanted to speak to him, share her time with him rather than just stare at him in her own silence, no matter how appealing that was on its own.

Stopping as he heard the woman's voice, Kazuhira looked down at her with surprise, the smile he had during his performance growing gently as he watched her move comfortably, her entire body moving to lay belly down, her hands hugging the pillow beneath her head.

He found it hard not to form a smile around her, even moreso when she threw one of her own at him.

She was just happy that she was no longer strapped to anything or in need of any heavy assistance which meant it'd only be a matter of time before she was released.

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