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~Kourtnie POV~

I turn around to see were the voice is coming from to see my father standing there in his signature suit. "Daddy," I say tears forming in my eyes as I run up and hug him. "Hi princess," he simply says hugging me back. Alex is still at the bottom of the grave staring at my father who is still very much alive. "I thought you were dead," I say now full on crying. "No I can explain everything but first who is the man standing in the grave," my dad asks as we separate our hug. "Alex Reed, I'm a friend of kourtnie," Alex tells my dad. The sound of that word leaving his mouth makes my heart ache. "We can trust him dad," I tell my father. "Ok lets go back to the Empire so we can talk. Kourtnie call the building and make sure security shuts of the camera's and takes the night off along with front desk" My dad states I shake my head ok and call the Empire to make sure everything is done.

"Why dad why did you fake your death and are mom and Henry still alive and why didn't you tell me," I ramble on. We just go to the Empire and currently where sitting on the couch. "Kourtnie yes your mom and Henry are both alive and let me explain before you ask anymore questions," my father tells me. I break down in tears as those words leave his mouth my mom and brother were still alive. "It started a few months before the accident. Your mother and I were out for lunch to meet a client. We thought the client was just like our others, but when he showed up we were wrong majorly wrong. It was your Cousin Milo his mom and dad (Jack and Georgina) had sent him to give us a threat it was if we didn't get rid of Bass Industries than he would reveal that I killed your grandfather all those years ago," my dad says but before he can continue Alex interrupts. "You killed Bart Bass," he says in shock. "Yes but it was an accident Bart was trying to kill him" I tell Alex. "Anyways we didn't take it seriously so we continued on like normal. Things changed the day of the gala when we were announcing you as the CEO of the company when the gossip girl blast went out. And the only ones who could have heard that were you and someone in the house so someone in the house was working with Jack and Georgina. Before things got worse me and Blair made a plan we were going to take you and Henry to Paris and then fake the car crash or plane crash. When you couldn't come with we were going to drop it all but then we found out from Dorota that our chef was the one working against us. So we played out the car crash. Me,Henry and your mom have been in the Hamptons ever since. The night of the cotillion me and your mother couldn't stand not seeing your debut so we got a town car and had me go in and take a picture but then you noticed me. I told your mom and we decided that we would meet you since we know how you think we predicted that you would go to the cemetery to dig out the grave to see if my body was there which leads us up to know," he tells me. "So what happens now," I ask trying to absorb all the information that I was just told. "Now we continue on the plan to bring down jack and you pretend you never saw me and continue running Bass Industries which are doing great at and once Jack is done for we can come home and be a family again," he tells me. "Sounds like a plan," I tell my dad. "I would love to stay and talk about everything but I have to go before someone recognizes me I love you Kourtnie." he tells me. "let me ride down with you," I say as I get up to go to the elevator leaving Alex all alone. 

"So Alex is just a friend," my father asked once the elevator doors shut. "Yes thats all." I say. "I know the way you look at him. Thats the way your mother looks at me. If I had a guess I would say history is repeating itself," my dad tells me. I stay silent due to my defeat on the matter. "If you want my advice I know how your relationship is don't wait to long to say those 3 words 8 letters," he tells me as the elevator dings open. "I won't dad," I say as I hug him goodbye and make my way back up to talk to Alex.

K. take your daddy's advice tell A how you really feel. Nobody likes a copycat and thats exactly what your relationship is. Just a mere image of the infamous Chuck and Blair. Will K. family ever be able to come out of hiding or will K be an orphan forever. Only time will tell. You know you love me.

~xoxo gossip girl

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