In Which Harry is Just Following Directions, Honest

Start from the beginning

"Fuck you," Malfoy said with a laugh.

They were back to their usual.

"So what's the plan?" Teddy asked. They had 10 minutes until their Portkey activated and they were all waiting around it to be safe.

Harry began outlining their schedule and Malfoy stopped him.

"Potter, between the dinner with the Shaw's tonight and seeing Gibson on Monday evening, we have a full four days in New York. We aren't wasting it doing whatever it is you Gryffindors imagine is relaxing."

"Well, I was thinking maybe a Quodpot game."

"I'll stop you there," Malfoy said and Teddy snorted a bit. "There's no way I'm going to watch a bunch of ruddy Americans run around making fools of themselves."

"It's just one game!"

"I have an idea," Teddy said and both he and Malfoy shut up immediately.

"I've been doing muggle studies at school. Maybe we could go to a baseball game or something."

"Er," said Malfoy.

"Sounds brilliant!" said Harry.

Malfoy was in a mood from when the Portkey landed to when they checked into their rooms. Harry and Teddy got a room with two queens and Malfoy got his own space which Harry followed him into once Teddy got settled.

"Why are you being an arse about this?"

"I'm not being an arse," he said like an arse would.

Harry rolled his eyes and fell back onto Malfoy's bed.

"Potter, stop that."

"No. We're here with Teddy for the next couple of days and I want it to be fun for him. So not only do you have to not be an arse about anything as unimportant as baseball, you have to stop being so hard to relate to before I kill you."

"I'm not hard to relate to."

"I know basically nothing about your life, Malfoy, and I went to school with you for 7 years, give or take a year. Your childhood may be common knowledge but I haven't talked to you more than is polite since the war and you bloody well know it."

"We should rest. If we don't want to crash at dinner tonight, we need to get on New York time."

Harry groaned and squirmed around on the bed.


"I'm not leaving till you summarize your life story. Please use as much detail as you see fit, though leave out the gross bits."

"What gross bits?" Malfoy demanded.

"I dunno, it's your life, I figure there are gross bits."

Malfoy huffed he sat down but he told Harry the basics.

His father had gotten released from Azkaban thanks to a willingness to report fellow Death Eaters after only serving 3 years of his 10-year sentence. Malfoy had been engaged to Astoria at the time, despite not being in love with her. He did love her dearly as a friend, though, and wanted to marry her. They stayed engaged for two years after his father got out before Malfoy learned that Astoria's mysterious illness wasn't going to get better. He couldn't stand the thought of putting her through childbirth when it would kill her, so he'd called the wedding off as his only real reason for marriage was to produce an heir. He regretted it now because she'd gone on to marry another man who didn't love her and had had a child anyway, taking more energy out of her at the later date than it would have if it'd been Malfoy. He hadn't been back to see Astoria before Harry had gone with him.

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