In Which Malfoy Has a Past

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Other than Joseph Rosier, Malfoy had only two other people on the list he thought more likely than any others. The first was a woman, Aaryan Fawley, who lived in Fawley Manor on the outskirts of Scotland, not too far from Hogwarts. The other, Hector Greengrass, had died from a rogue curse — at least allegedly — 3 years before. Fortunately, he had two daughters Malfoy had been friends with as a child. Malfoy arranged a meeting for that week and told them he'd be bringing along a guest. He didn't mention who it was.

The Greengrass sisters lived a few kilometers out of London, within apparating distance, and Harry and Malfoy arrived at promptly 3 for the DNA collection. Harry realised he probably should brief him on the plan before they entered.

"You need to keep them occupied with conversation while I take a look around to get some samples."

"Potter, that won't be possible."


"In polite society, you can't simply excuse yourself from conversation for the duration of a visit. At most, you can potentially manage a trip to the loo."

"That'll have to work."

A house elf opened the door and lead them into a room where Daphne Greengrass, a woman Harry vaguely remembered from Hogwarts was waiting for them.

They sat stiffly and made small talk over tea, though Daphne didn't have any, leaving them without DNA. When Harry started thinking there was no good solution, Malfoy surprised him by asking Daphne, "Can I see her?"

Daphne scowled but she clearly knew who Malfoy was talking about.

"She's too weak to see you."

"I heard about Thalia. Please, you know I care for her."

Daphne softened but shook her head. "It would be too much for her. I'm afraid you'll just have to come back at a better time."

"You and I both know there won't be a better time."

Harry looked back and forth between the two of them. Their glares were almost identical until Daphne stiffly nodded. She lead them out of the parlour and down a long hallway, filled with moving portraits. At the very end was a door, but they didn't go in that one, they moved to stand in front of the one next to it.

"Not him, just you. He has to wait outside."

She meant Harry. Malfoy nodded and Daphne opened the door. Most of his view was blocked by the people in front of him, but he could see a king-sized bed and a tiny woman laying down in the middle of it. She was so pale she nearly blended in with the sheets.

"Astoria," Malfoy said.

The woman looked up and inhaled sharply. "Draco."

Malfoy stood still for less than three seconds before rushing to Astoria's side and wrapping his arms around her. "I've been so worried about you."

The woman huffed but allowed him to cradle her hands. "I'm alive, see? Still breathing."

Malfoy let out a choked sob and Harry looked at Daphne in question. Was Malfoy crying?

"Just barely. I've been trying to make myself come see you but it was..."

"Shhh, shhh, you're here. That's all I could have asked for. And you brought the boy hero with you, too."

They shared a laugh that seemed more like crying and Daphne put her hand on Harry's arm.

"Let's give them some space."

She lead Harry back to where they'd been having tea. He sat awkwardly and pointedly ignored the splotches of colour rising on her cheeks.

"So they're... they were friends, then?" he asked.

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