Chapter 123

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Hannah slid her arms around Amanda's waist from behind. This caused the girl to freeze. She wasn't used to these shows of affection, particularly not in public. But Hannah had slowly grown more comfortable with it over the past few days, particularly after what happened a couple nights ago...

She shook her head, trying not to blush. "So," Hannah said, "the race is gonna happen soon." Soon meant in about six hours.

Amanda slowly turned around within the hug and hugged Hannah back, kissing her forehead. "Yes," she said in a low voice. Hannah was very conscious that Akko, Diana and Ursula were around and could see her, but she tried to ignore it. She wanted to hug Amanda and she'd do it. Did they notice Amanda's hickey? Maybe they- Just stop worrying about it. "Are you nervous?"

"Nervous for what? I can't do anything, and our strategy is perfect," she asserted. They hadn't lost a single simulation- Well, save for that one where that random squirrel thing suddenly cut their hose off, but that did not count.

"I just wonder how hard is it gonna be. I'm gonna be unconscious through the whole thing, so if something happens I won't be able to help."

"You probably wouldn't be able to help anyways. What you gonna do? Step out of the ship and be crushed by the tenfold gravity?" Hannah snorted.

Amanda pinched her arm playfully, but Hannah still yelped. "Let me have my ideas, would you?" Amanda complained. Hannah let go of her, sighing.

"This race is going to be one boring hell. I envy your unconsciousness," she said.

Amanda kissed her head one more time before letting go. Hannah was starting to grow used to that, too. Amanda liked to kiss, a lot. While Hannah was trying to grow more used to the idea of being affectionate in public, she was still too self conscious. So Amanda did things like kissing her forehead, temples or just the head in general. Hannah was ok with those, mostly, and she could feel that as she felt more comfortable with that she was more and more comfortable with the idea of public kissing.

And, maybe, of stating how she felt out loud.

"Ok girls, enough practice for today," Ursula said. Everyone turned to her with some surprise. "I don't want you tired of mind before the race. Go sleep or do whatever you want, gather back here half an hour before the race. I'll have the engineering and mechanical teams do the checkups on the ships," she spoke with an air of authority the kinds Hannah hadn't seen from her before Vorago. An air of confidence surrounded her, and while she kept her red eyes hidden behind glasses and her mouth in a mostly neutral expression, she somehow looked happier. Today, for some reason, she wore a complete ponytail, instead of the one she usually just tied at the end of her hair. She wore...

"She's not wearing her uniform," Hannah said, with a startling realization, looking at her jeans and long-sleeved black shirt attire.

"Uhm, and my hair is orange," Amanda said. "And water is wet. Any other obviousness?"

Hannah punched her lightly. "I mean, she almost always wears her g-suit. I thought it was mandatory or something."

"It probably is. But what are they gonna do if she doesn't wear it now? Fire her? With less than a month to go?" Amanda shrugged, clearly uncaring. "I'm surprised she's lasted this long, to be honest."

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