chapter 1 inko's shop

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"Ancient/other languages"

3rd pov: (age 4)

Izuku has always been a smart boy he was smart enough to help his mother out in her shop selling medicines and different remedies (i changed her quirk to be similar to Izuku's but she only has a book on medicine, healing spells, and other things like that). when he wasn't at the daycare he would have his nose stuck in a book or helping his mother.

It was just a few days before his 4th birthday and Izuku with a weird feeling and he couldn't figure out what it was. He decided to ask his mom about it. " Hey, mom I feel funny." His mother Inko Midoriya being the nervous person she is, quickly grabs her spellbook. "what's wrong, where does it hurt, funny how?!" Inko's speech quickly turning into the mumbling that the pair is known for. "Um  let's see Heal there are you feeling better now Izuku?" Inko finally casts a spell after a few minutes of panic.
Izuku looks at his mother with sparkles in his eye "What did you just do mommy? It was so pretty."
"It was a healing spell baby, mommy's spellbook has all kinds of different healing spells and medicine."
"The medicine from your book is what we sell at the shop right?"
"Yup mommy's shop is famous we sell medicine infused with healing spells from my quirk to pro-heroes. That reminds me recovery girl should be coming by later to pick up some gummies."
Izuku looks at her in awe. " YOU KNOW RECOVERY GIRL THAT'S SO COOL!!"
Inko laughs, "Yes I do now go get ready it's almost time for me to take you to daycare. If you're good I'll let you help out with the shop later."
Izuku's excited sparkle in his eyes grows even big as he quickly runs to his room to get ready.

POV: Izuku
'Oh I can't wait to see Kachaan and tell him about the shop I bet he'll find it so cool.' I finish getting ready and run back down to mommy so we can leave. When I reach her she looks up at me "Ready to go Izuku?"
"Yup!" I answer back with a smile.
Before we leave she takes a quick look at the clock. "Wow you got ready really quick Izuku we even have enough time to stop by the shop if you want but, we can't stay for long and remember you'll be there after daycare anyway." I can't hide my excitement "REALLY!! Do you think Kachaan could come with us after school?".
She giggles at my energy as we head out the door "I'll take that as a yes but we'll have to Mitsuki about having Katsuki over later ok".
With that we quickly make our way to the shop. After a few minutes we were able to see the shop. It was a small building that stood by itself with a sign that said [Tir na nOg]. I quickly ran up to the shop with my mom fallowing behind me giggling. "Slow down Izuku it's not going anywhere." She said with a smile while getting the key.
3rd pov:
Inko watched her son bounce up and down in place as she unlocked the door giggling even more as he raced inside. "Are you that excited about the shop Izuku?". He looks at her with a bight smile and says "Yup I wanna see where mommy makes the medicine to save the heroes, so when I get my quirk I can help make the medicine too." Hearing this made Inko want to cry her baby was too cute. "Ok I'll show you how to make medicine when your quirk manifests. Now take a look around we'll only be here for 15 minutes so we won't be late." Izuku gave a quick nod and then started to look around and ask questions like the smart child he is.
"Mommy, you said something about recovery girl coming to picking up gummies and there's a bunch of pendants, stones, and other nick nacks in the shop does that mean you can infused items with healing magic?" Inko looked slightly shocked. "Amazing Izuku you're so smart for someone your age. You're right besides medicine I also sell healing infused items but you missed one thing. I don't put things I already fused with a spell on display do you know why Izuku?" Izuku looked around at the shop for a minute then answered "Because doing that would be like asking for the item to be stolen?" Inko looked back at her son proud "Yup, that's right I have the customers pick out what they want infused pay for it then come back and pick it up in either in a few hours or the next day depending on how busy it is." Izuku nods his head "makes since." Inko couldn't help but smile at his smart mind but it quickly fell when she saw the clock "Oh no we're going to late! Izuku come on we have to hurry!" She quickly grabbed Izuku and locked the shop behind her. As they make their way from the shop to the daycare they continue to talk. "Hey mommy do you think I can make a pendant for Kachaan?" She thinks for a minute before answering "Maybe but it's a pretty hard spell so you might have to wait a bit before you can make infused items that last for more than an hour. If you want you can pick a pendant for the shop after school for me to infuse and you can give him that as a gift."
Izuku's eyes sparkles "Really! Thank mommy!" "Of course baby he's your best friend after all." As they the the shop behind they didn't notice the dark figure watching them from afar.

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