Going Out for Drinks

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{Ryan at top}

Going Out for Drinks » 3


    "What'd you call me?" the one named Hayden questioned.

While Anthony tried to distract him by throwing a new shirt at him. He caught it in mid-air then shrugged it on.

I walked up to him, till we were chest to chest, looked up at him and said "I said your a dork".

His jaw clenched and his eye twitched, but before he could say or do anything, Anthony asked me "Hey don't you need to be practicing?" all the while gently pushing me towards the door.

Once I was out, he kissed me on the cheek then slammed the door in my face.

"Whatever" I scoffed/blushed as I made my way to the recording studio. That Hayden person has problems one minute he's all blushy and everything, then the next he's super cocky. Then he wonders why I was being a bitch to him. Even though he was a real looker I'd probably never date him, not really my type of personality in a guy. I heard music coming from studio F8, so I walked in. I was greeted by my band RepublicNation, we exchanged greetings then I made my way to the microphone and got ready.


As me and Ryan walked to my car, we talked about his girlfriend and her unfaithfulness, turns out she was with some other guy again.

"You know what why don't you just give her up, she's not worth it" I said as I slung my jacket over my shoulder.

"I guess I should" he said slinging his arm around my waist and bringing me closer.

Ryan actually, is our drummer and I've noticed that whatever that's been going on with his girlfriend is affecting his playing. It's not as smooth as it used to be, he keeps starting and stopping, and that's gotta stop, because we're going on tour in two months. As we entered the now dark parking lot I saw three figures coming towards, not till they got up close did I realize who they were.

"Hey Chrys, Ryan" said Anthony as he, Michael, and Hayden came our way.

"Hi..." said Ryan as he eyed Michael and Hayden curiously.

"Hey" I said as I laid my head on Ryan's shoulder.

"Michael, Hayden and I, are going out and just wondered if you two wanted to join" he said.

"Uh, I can't, gotta meet up with my girlfriend" he said waving then heading to his car.

"Bye Ryan see ya tomorrow, meet at my place" I said, while he jumped in his car.

"Got it" he yelled back then drove off.

"I have nothing better to do so sure" I said now turning back to Anthony, then unlocking my car and grabbing my now fully charged phone.

"So I was thinking about heading over to The Tavern and getting a booth" Anthony said walking up to my car, leaning on it, then crossing his arms.

"Ok yeah I don't know where it is though" I said as I started to look for my Navigation app.

"You can ride with me" then there was complete silence.

I looked up to see Hayden standing with a smirk on his face and a raised eyebrow, an expression I could never accomplish. That's when I realized he was the one that said it.

Shaking out of my shock, I nodded and said "Yeah, ok", then grabbed my purse and locked up my car.

"Ok see ya there" said Michael chuckling, while walking off with Anthony to his car.

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