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Detective Newman just left here and I feel like everything is going to be fine. I also had this strange feeling that I couldn't shake. It felt kind of alarming.

"I am going to go lay down for a bit." Shakeya said.

It hurt me to see her down like that, but I knew the feeling oh so well. Every time a chick popped up saying she was sleeping with Aubrey. Everytime I found out something new in the tabloids. I felt that same broken feeling she feels right now.

It's funny how hurt an pain can give you a different perspective about the one you love. You think that this person could never inflict those painful feelings because you love them so much only to realize that they are human an they make mistakes.

"Penny for your thoughts." Aubrey said.

"I was just thinking about Key. I know how she feels right now. I wanted to say thank you and I love you for what you did at the hospital." I said laying my head on his chest.

"Des I haven't always done everything right. Hell I feel like we have had way more downs than ups, but I am willing to do whatever it takes to heal this relationship. I know I haven't been the ideal husband, but I'm willing to learn to be a better one." He said kissing my forehead.

It's crazy how tragedy always brings us back together. Aubrey and I talked for awhile until we dosed off.

I was sitting on a park bench. This place looked so familiar to me. It was beautiful an all the grass was green like the leaves. I saw a figure coming towards me but the light was to bright to make out who or what it was.

As the figure got closer I saw that it was my mother.

"Mommy." I said running to her hugging her.

She hugged me tightly an we walked over to the bench an sat down. She looked so serious now because her smile had faded. The once sunny sky suddenly grew dark and the wind picked up like a storm was coming.

"Desire you and your brother Carlos are in danger. That woman came in to town to do you harm. She wanted to get you arrested and now she is angry. She has a vengeful spirit. That rage is going to cause her to do harm like no other. Aubrey is going to have to choose between the two of you." She said standing to leave.

Heavy rains began to fall and the wind was blowing like a hurricane was coming.

"Mommy wait please I don't understand what you mean. What do you mean he will have chose?" I asked her. As quick as she came she was gone.

I hopped up out of my sleep to the phone ringing. Aubrey was still asleep. That dream seemed so real that my body was actually wet.

The phone had stopped ringing only to ring again. I picked up the line to hear the most disturbing call I could ever get.

"Hello." I said.

"Hello Mrs. Graham I am the night nurse at the hospital. I went to check on your brother just doing my nightly rounds and he was well he." She said sounding nervous.

"He what!?" I kinda yelled.

"Well you see he was gone." She said.

Everything just started moving in slow motion. How the fuck was he gone?

"What do you mean he's gone?" I asked to make sure I heard her right.

"He isn't here anymore ma'am." She said.

I just hung up the phone because I couldn't handle what she was saying.

"Aubrey wake up." I said shaking him.

He opened his eyes an looked at me. When he saw the alarming look on my face he sat straight up.

"What happened now?" He asked me.

"The hospital just called an said Carlos is gone. He is not in the hospital." I told him standing up pacing the floor.

"What!? How the hell is he just gone?" He asked now up looking for his keys.

I didn't want to do it but I had to go let Shakeya know that her husband was missing. For some reason that dream I had about my mother seemed like a warning.

Her Beef 7: Better DaysDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora