You and Natasha lead the way to the bridge, where agents are listing off numbers, giving orders, and doing whatever is necessary for the carrier to lift off. Hill declares an emergency protocol and Fury orders they cloak the carrier. Steve and Bruce look around in amazement.

"Gentlemen," Fury greets Steve and Bruce. Steve wordlessly hands Fury a ten dollar bill, to which Fury smiles. "Doctor Banner, thank you for coming," he says as he shakes Bruce's hand.

"Thanks for asking nicely," Bruce responds, clearly nervous. "So, uh, how long am I staying?"

"Once we get our hands on the Tesseract, you're in the wind."

Bruce nods, not sure if he can believe Fury. "Where are you with that?"

Fury points to Coulson, who is standing on a lower level, supervising the team designated for searching for Loki, the Cube, and anyone from S.H.I.E.L.D. or NASA that was confirmed to be mind controlled by Loki. "We're sweeping every wirelessly accessible camera on the planet. Cell phones, laptops.... If it's connected to a satellite, it's eyes and ears for us."

"That's still not gonna find them in time," Natasha says while crouched down to see the computer running a search for Clint.

"We need to go beyond just a face-trace. For all we know, Loki isn't even with the Cube right now. We need some sort of scientific approach to track the Tesseract," you explain.

"You have to narrow your field," Bruce suggests. "How many spectrometers do you have access to?"

"How many are there?" Fury asks in answer.

"Call every lab you know. Tell them to put the spectrometers on the roof and calibrate them for gamma rays. I'll rough out a tracking algorithm, basic cluster recognition. At least we could rule out a few places. Do you have somewhere for me to work?"

"Agent Romanoff, could you show Doctor Banner to his laboratory, please?"

"You're gonna love it, Doc. We got all the toys," Natasha says as she leads Bruce to his lab.

"And now we wait," you say. You know you can't go back to your quarters now, so you walk down to Coulson and Steve. Coulson is working with the several agents on computers. You know nothing about how to run a face-trace, so you just stand to the side. Ready to help if needed, but not in the way.

"Do you, can you explain what all of this is?" Steve asks you quietly.

You turn to him in surprise but smile. "Um, I, uh, I don't know all of the intricacies, but, um, when Coulson was talking about cell phones and laptops, do you know what those are?"


You take your phone out of your back pocket. "This is a cell phone. I can call people with it, but it has a lot more stuff. Like a lot. But, to make it short, it has this," you say as you open the camera on your phone. "Laptops are like small, mobile computers. Anyway, in order for them to work, they connect to satellites, and S.H.I.E.L.D. has access to those, I guess. So, the idea is that if someone were to take a picture or video of Loki or the Cube or one of the people he mind controlled, S.H.I.E.L.D. would know, and know the location."

"I guess that makes tracking people easier."

"If someone really doesn't want to be found, I'm sure they can find a way around it. But I get the feeling Loki is over dramatic and will show himself eventually."

"Is that a psychic feeling or do you think that because you-"

"Were kidnapped by that maniac? Both, to be honest." You fold your arms, not sure what to do with your hands. "But he's also smart. He's not gonna show up without a plan."

"We just need to outsmart him then."

This whole mess is giving you another headache. Natasha returns to check on the progress of the search for Clint. Nothing is happening! Ugh, I guess I can help them out a bit.

You shakily fall down, expecting to hit the railing behind you, except you don't. Steve, it turns out, has fantastic reflexes, and catches you before you hit the railing. "Miss, are you alright?" Out of the corner of your peripheral vision, you see Coulson hurrying to you. "Miss?"

"This is part of the whole psychic thing," Coulson explains. "She'll be fine."

" Germany...." You take some deep breaths. Didn't help my headache at all. You hold onto Steve for balance before righting yourself. After a few more breaths to compose yourself, you speak. "Coulson, have your agents look in Germany. I dunno where in Germany, but in Germany."

"How do you know Germany?"

"All the German flags and Germans near him gave it away." You pull a Ziploc of ibuprofen out of your pocket and take a dose right then. "Just look there." You look up to see everyone, not just Steve and Coulson, watching you.

"You heard her, Germany," Coulson orders the agents. He turns back to you and asks you softly, "Hey, um, you look really tired, and you already have had quite a few days. Do you need anything? I'll send someone to go get something for you. Water, food, meds, whatever. Or you can go get some sleep if you want."

"Water, please. But, no, I'm fine. I'll just sit down, stay off my feet," you say as you sit down. An agent tells Fury what happened and comes back with a water bottle for you. You drink it and start feeling better as the ibuprofen kicks in. You mostly listen around as agents talk about the face-trace. You smile when you hear Coulson nervously ask Steve to sign his Captain America trading cards. Steve accepts, and Coulson talks about how they're vintage and whatnot. You start to stand up, feeling much more like yourself.

"We got a hit! A sixty seven percent match," Sitwell says as his computer beeps. "Wait. Cross match, seventy nine percent."

"Location?" Coulson asks.

"Stuttgart, Germany. Twenty Eight Konigstrasse. He's not exactly hiding." A picture pops up on his screen of Loki in a suit, face not concealed whatsoever.

"What game is he playing at?" you ask despite knowing exactly what is happening.

"Captain," Fury starts, "you're up."

Steve nods nervously and runs off to where he needs to be. You take a deep breath and turn to Fury. "Do you need me to do anything?"

Fury sighs. "I need you to hop onto that quinjet with Rogers and Romanoff. Just as a consultant, just in case. You don't have to leave the jet till you get back to the carrier." His face softens a touch. "I know I'm asking a lot, but I'm putting you in the least amount of danger possible."

You nod nervously. "'Kay, alright. I'll go."

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