Chapter One

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You have been wondering, who was this Osamu that everyone feared? Just because he had an ability that could cancel out someone else's just by touching them.

You wondered for a bit. As the President's daughter the only person that everyone should fear is you.

But how could everyone direct their attention to you if this Osamu guy is everywhere? And how are you going to make sure people know about you, if your father forbade you from using your ability?

There is only one way to be noticed and that's finding Osamu, and bring him on his knees!

"(Name), I have what you requested..."

"Perfect, thank you Atsushi." You took the file from his hands.

"I only brought that file because you were harassing me about it. If your Father knew what or who you are obsessed with then I'll be the one in trouble, please don't say anything..." You couldn't help but smile.

"Has any one told you how cute you are Atsushi?" You asked him, and in return he blushed and looked at the ground.

And that's why you loved you best friend, he was genuine and kind... but things got a little awkward when you found out that on several occasions your father had set up unrecognizable dates..

The amusement park, the four day trip to a private beach house and the unexpected trip to the new and expensive spa house. All this you realized it by your self that your own father was secretly shipping you and your best friend.

Not that there was something wrong with poor Atsushi, no. He is more of a brother than anything else. And he knew it.

Your eyes quickly searched the file, and even got lucky that an informant had left a possible location as to where Dazai was.

"It says here he will be at an abandoned old Port Mafia Warehouse." You whispered to yourself.

You wrote down the location on a piece of paper. "Atsushi! Can you come here for a sec." Atsushi nervously came back to your desk.

He saw you packing your things, "(Name), where are you going?" He asked with concern.

"If my Father or anyone else happens to be looking for me, tell them I finally took my me day."

Atsushi looked at you skeptically, he knew you well to know where you were headed.

"(Name)? Dont go looking for trouble, I am not dealing with you father after the other me day you had the last time..."

"Shhhhhh," you roughly placed your pointer finger on his mouth. "Saying stuff like that around here especially when Ranpo is around can get us both into trouble... I left for a special  me day that's it, okay?"

Stunned Atsushi quickly nodded, which made you wonder. "You're awfully obedient Atushi,"

Atushi shook his head, "Your eyes (Name), they've changed color agai..."

"What!?" You harshly wisphered.

Atsushi looked at you with amusement as you tried to calm your self down.

"What colour?" You asked Atsushi.

"Green," he said.

The mischievous colour and Atsushi knew this. This was by far his most favorite colour, green. But with (Name) you never know what trouble she would get in.

Port Mafia Black --- Distrustful Love (Dazai x reader)Where stories live. Discover now