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Toms POV

My day kept getting worse and worse. After Jake and I got back from our disappointing trip he had been ignoring me. I would ask him something and he would respond by clenching his fists and making an excuse to leave the room. Although he had been acting like this he didn't seem mad at me. In fact, he seemed more embarrassed and sad than angry.

As if I was being punished by god himself, my day got worse. Turns out we had an interview scheduled that day at the last minute. When this interview got released fans would tell that something was wrong, like they always seemed to be able to do.

I peeked over at Jake through my eyelashes only to see him staring at me with such concentration that his eyes seemed to burn my skin. I met his eyes with a curious look and tilted my head like a confused puppy. He just looked down while biting his lip.

What did I do wrong? Could he tell that I wasn't asleep earlier? I really hoped everything would be fine between us tomorrow and he was just in a weird mood right now.

Jakes POV

I needed to tell someone about how I was feeling about Tom, especially after he caught me staring at him and he did his cute little  head tilt.

god he's adorable.

I decided to go to Zendaya because she understood Tom and seemed to be fine with him being gay. I managed to make it through the interview without ripping my hair out and immediately went to go talk to Z.

   "Wait Z!  I need to talk to you about something." I called out  just as she was getting into the car.

     "Can we talk in the car? Just sit next to me in the back."

    I nodded and got in the black vehicle, heading straight to the back. Zendaya followed closely and cheerfully asked what's up.

   "Well I uh..." I suddenly felt very nervous and rubbed my palms on my thighs.

   I lowered my voice to just above a whisper "I think I love Tom."

   I shut my eyes, afraid of her reaction and waited for her to say something.

   After about 10 seconds of silence she squealed and yelled

   "FINALLY!" She wrapped her arms around my neck and smiled

   "I've known you're in love with him before you did. So go on, tell me everything!"

Toms POV

    I got into the car and the first thing I noticed was that Jake wasn't sitting in the same spot he had been earlier. Another thing I noticed was laughter and squealing coming from the seats farthest back. I looked and saw Z and Jake laughing and whispering about something. Z leant into Jakes ear and whispered something that made him turn red and laugh.

    I couldn't help but feel sad. What was going on between them? They were probably in love with each other. I should feel happy for them but I don't. I couldn't help the tears that started to form in my eyes and I quickly tore my eyes away from the painful sight in front of me. I pulled my hood up and sat with my knees up to my chest just letting the tears run freely down my face.

   I sat like that for the whole half hour car ride, eventually running out of tears and just quietly hiccuping. Finally the car came to a stop and I jumped out. I ran to my hotel room and opened the door joining the two hotel rooms. I saw Jacob sitting on his bed and ran over to him, super thankful that he stayed back because he wasn't feeling well. I started crying once again but not holding back this time. I was full on sobbing into Jacobs pillow and he was rubbing my back, still not sure what was going on. I finally calmed down enough to tell him what was going on when I heard Jake and Z come in. I immediately started crying again. I was being so dramatic, I'm a grown ass man crying for no reason.

Jake rushed over and I shook my head hoping Jacob would notice and he did.

"Jake dude can you go into your room with Z for a bit? I don't think he wants you to see him like this."

"Fine." His voice turned softer and he leant down towards me. "It's gonna be okay Tom." He whispered softly to me and left the room.

"So dude what's going on?"

"I don't know. It's all so confusing."

"When did you start feeling sad?"

I thought back and remembered the way I felt when I saw Jake and Z laughing and acting like a couple.

Oh no

I love Jake Gyllenhaal

oh no - Jake Gyllenhaal x Tom HollandWhere stories live. Discover now