Chapter: 2

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The next morning I woke up in my bed. I was warm and comfy and I smelled clean like I got in the shower. I really didn't remember getting in the shower. I have no Idea what I did last night but I felt a rushing tingle in my heart. It wasn't quit sadness or happiness. I think it was love. I think I loved Jonathan. Maybe, because he was different and I finally have someone I enjoy being with and having fun with. But I have no clue, I just wanted to know what happen last night. I turned on the news and saw that 10 people were killed the night before. I called up Jonathan and asked him what is going on and maybe if he was watching the news, and he told me "Baby, last night you killed more then half those people". I laughed and smiled. He asked me "do you enjoy killing". I told him I definitely do! That just made me and him more bonded because not only did he like murder but now I do. Our relationship grew stronger and stronger in this process. Every night I would sneak out to go with him and go kill people because guess why? no one knew to stay in there house past 12:00 midnight. We killed about 27 people that night. It was on the news the next day and they found finger prints. It wasn't mine or Jonathan's, so who's was it?

We later became suspicious because we thought that no one was with us that night. We went back to the scene where it all happened. It looked a mess. It looked like it was an ally way of some sort but not totally an ally way. The detectives that were there searching the place, left the bodies. Who does that? so what We did was we searched everything, from the last place to the first place and so on. Then we heard a sound. It was a odd sound nothing special so we ignored it. Then we heard it again. It was kind of weird the second time but then again we ignored it. About an hour later we heard it again and it got closer and then we saw a shadow. I got scared so Jonathan grabbed me and told me it would be okay. He went searching for what it was and found out that it was another person! we were not okay because now someone else knows that we are here and they might tell. We grabbed the person really quick tied her up on a chair and placed her in a dim dusty light. We asked her what her name was but all she said was 'k'. We then asked her what her age was and she wouldn't tell us so we estimated about 15. We are only 14 we told her but she still wouldn't tell us her age so we still only said 15. She said she was here because SHE is the one who's finger prints was all over there. I asked her what's up with that. And all she said is that she found bloody body's amazing. We asked her if she's ever killed someone but all K said is I don't wanna talk about it. We respected what she had said. then she told us her name is Kaitlyn. She said she was abandoned as a kid and been running the streets since she was 7. We felt bad so we had taken her in as our own. We all hung out that night and talked about our amazing freakish life that we enjoy living. We all soon later became best friends. At least I suppose that's what we were.

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