Chapter 1| fateful encounter

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Arthur's notes: sorry readers this chapter may be boring but a promise it gets better ok!

Tell me what you think and leave a star if you want!

Enjoy :) <3


"Ahh (y/n) you never go anywhere with me!" Said your best friend in the whole wide world.

"You know why that is Ev's" you said with arms crossed. You had thought this was just going to be annual Friday movie night. Of course she had other plans...

"It's just this once besides we could make good money and even pay rent for a few months!".

You hadn't thought of that, it would be nice to not have to worry about paying rent. You two shared a two bedroom one bath apartment and it was still hard to pay rent.

You sighed.

"Ok fine, just this once!" You said glaring at your friends triumphant smile.

"But we're leaving the casino at 11 ok!" You said seriously.

"Yes yes I know! Now it's time to get dressed, your not going looking like a hobo!" She said pushing you to your room.

You picked out a plain black dress and heels, along with a matching hand bag. Evelyn curled your hair and did your make up. You pulled opened a drawer and took out a pill bottle that was in it.

"Only on left huh?", Evelyn said above you, "don't worry (y/n) we will come back before you need to take one again, and my dad should be delivering the next bottle tomorrow ".

"Yeah, your right but I'm going to take the bottle with me just in case" you said as you slipped it into your bag.

Finally Evelyn and you were on your way the newly built casino. As you were walking you couldn't shake the feeling that you were being watched. You hoped everything went ok tonight.


The hours had passed by and you had more fun at the casino than you wanted to admit. Even though Evelyn's drunk ass had to be dragged behind you,it was a pain but you loved her none the less.

You still couldn't believe you had actually won 80,000 chips from the slot machine! That could help with rent money, you thought to yourself.

You were pulled from your thoughts as you slammed
Into a brick wall. You had fallen onto your butt and dropped your bag. Looking up you saw that this "brick wall" was not a wall at all, but a very mad looking man. He had weird zebra striped pants on.

"I'm so sorry! I wasn't looking where I was going!" You said in a shaky voice. He seems pissed at me like its such a hinderance that I ran into him and fell on my ass. Jerk. You looked down to find your chips skaters all around you. Great just wha... MY PILLS!. You frantically looked around you till you spotted them. They had rolled to a stop at the shoes of another person. Fancy shoes...

You crawled around the man in front of you to grabe your pill bottle. Once it was safely in your bag again you started to pick the chips up.

"Hey are you not going to help her jerk!" You heard your friend say to the guy you ran into.

*Tsk*, was all he said as he glared down on me.

"It's fine Evelyn I'm the one who wasn't looking where I was going".

You looked up to see more than one guy looking down at you. It's more than uncomfortable to say the least. Surprisingly their sent was very faint even though they were right in front of you. Your friend , however, was glaring at the guy you had ran into.

I don't like these guys, there all friends I can tell that much by the way they stand closer than any strangers would. They are not to be messed with, they seem dangerous.

"What are you guys waiting for pokers this way!" Said a male voice from behind you.

You got up and was about to say sorry to all of them but something caught your attention. That scent it's impossible! The smell was strong, coming in waves of a familiar musky sent. You quickly grabbed your friends arm and practically dragged her to the nearest bathroom.

"Hey, ow, (y/n) your pulling to hard, what's the deal?"

"I smelled him! I smelled  him!", you said panting on the bathroom floor, "He is here Evelyn I know it!".

"Huh?No that can't be the pills desgiuse your sent completely!".

"They do Evelyn, but somehow he has caught my sent in a different way".

"You've been hiding for years though why now?" She said crouching down beside your sitting form .

"I knew he'd find me sooner or later. It his city now and nothing happens without him knowing." you said sadly as Evelyn wrapped you in a tight squeeze.

You broke the hug after a minute to checked the time  on your phone.

"MY PHONE, I must have dropped it!" You shouted frantically searching your butt pockets.

You we're worried your phone was literally your life line. Without it you would never know when you had to take your next pill

"Hey calm down ok!", your friend said soothingly, " I'll go look for it by those guys and in the mean time you stay here where your safe. Oh and take your pill too", Evelyn said as she got up.

As your friend left you took your last pill. Even if it's not eleven I can't take the risk of accidentally missing a dose. They hid your scent and your animal like features it even shortens your heats to two days and makes them easier.

It has its downsides though, since you have been on them for so long if you were to ever stop you would have a horrible two week long heat. Also you can't transform into your wolf. Even so the pills keep you hidden from him.

Gun shots pulled you from your thoughts fallowed by screams. Evelyn!You were frozen in the corner. She's still out their!

OR YOUR FRIEND WILL DIE!", said a deep booming male voice.

Erik Wolf I knew I smelled him... oh Eve what do I do? I can't let him hurt you. I can't lose you too!

"Better hurry little doggie, cause if you don't I will just kill Evelyn here and drag you out of that bathroom". SHIT! I-i have to do this... for my best friend!

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