Brandeen X Jakey (Origins Of Olympus)

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No one asked for this.

Third person

After everything that happened... Jake was still considered a brother, even if they were not related, to Mitch.

Jakey was lost in thought, what would have happened if Brandeen, Xylo, and Mitch did not find him? What would happen if they did not like him because of his ignorance and pretended to still care?

So many thoughts but the worst of all is, what would have happened if one of them died when trying to save him? Would they blame him? Hate him? Or would they still care?

As Jakey was thinking, he must have been so far out of it that he did not see who was in front of him, before they were able to say anything, Jakey ended up walking into them.
"Hey Jakey, what the heck? Are you alright?" The person said, Jakey ended up snapping out of it, looking to see who said that he looked up and saw...

"Brandeen? What are you doing out here?"Jakey asked Brandeen. He had no clue what was happening, looking at his surroundings he had seen he was near his 'not-so-secret-secret-base' in the water. Jakey was questioning why Brandeen was near his place.
"Well, I wanted to see if you were up and okay." Brandeen said.
"What!? Brandeen is caring for someone!? How weird!"Jakey remarked. Brandeen was not having it, all he wanted to do was ask if his friend was okay.
"Daveed has rubbed off on you."Brandeen annoyingly said.
"Actually, it was you that rubbed off of me. I don't like Daveed to talk to him, but you do talk to him... sadly... "(underlined text is mumbling!)
"What was that?" Brandeen asked Jakey.
Brandeen's Point Of View
"What was that?" I asked Jakey, I swear I heard him say something at the end of that sentence. He seemed to want to take that back, as if he said something he did not want to say.
"O-oh. Um, nothing, nothing at all. I just said that you rubbed of on me."Jakey replied, his faced seemed red, like he was blushing. Although I find that kind of cu- wait. No, that is not what I wanted to think. I mean, he is a little cute... NOPE! I can not think of that right now!
"Your face is red, Brandeen. Are you sick? Do we need to take you home? Do you hav-"
"Calm down, Jakey! I'm fine, and the one who has the red face is you, you little tomato!" He seemed to have more of a red face after I said that, I was going to say something else until I realized what I said.
"I-I mean, not- nevermind. But I am fine, Jakey."I said to him. "Although, you do seem a little cute with the red face. Now before I regret what I just said, let's quickly go to your base and talk for a bit until I know you are completely healed up."I said quickly, I grabbed his hand and started walking to my entrance into his base.
"I-wha- huh?!"
"What is it Jakey? Are you flustered?" I said, I mean, come on. I know I am going to regret this later but I do like him. He was always a good friend and then he seemed to be growing on me. Now he just seems more on the cute side with all the stuttering he does. All the caring he does as well, what's not to like about him? (A lot since that meanie that tried to kill him, did not care, ima shut up now)
After we finally get into his base and near where the mineswitch is, I see a lot of ice and snow.
"Uh, what happened here?"I ask Jakey.
"I don't know, I woke up with all of the snow and ice here, it doesn't bother me so I don't really care, but if you do I can try to get rid of it."
"No no. It's fine, but come on, let me see if you are for sure okay I tried to drag him to his bed but he stopped me.
"I'm fine, nothings wrong. But why do care so much?"Jakey asked me.
"I- look, you are a really good friend to me, if not, my only good friend that I really care for. So I just wanted to make sure someone I lo-like is okay."
I said. 'I said to much!!'
"What was that you were about to say? You said 'I lo-' then said 'like' to stop yourself from saying it."
"Nothing, it was nothing." I tried to not say it but I wanted to.'I love you! That's what I want to say!!' It's not that easy to say actually. The chance of getting rejected is high.
"Please, can you tell me what you were going to say." Jake pushed, giving me those puppy eyes. 'How dare you!!'
"I just... I... I'll show you." Before he could say anything I grabbed him and kissed him for a few seconds then pulled away.
"I-I... you..."
'Dang it, he hates me now!!'"I'll just go now." I got up and was about to leave before Jakey grabbed my hand and pulled me towards him.
"I-Is that what you wanted to say to me?..."He asked me.
"...Yeah... look I-"He kissed me then pulled away.
"I love you too, Brandeen."He gave me a sweet smile.
"W - Well I guess we..."
"Are a thing? Yeah, it seems so. Thank you for caring for me Brandeen."
"Your welcome... love you..."
"Love you too."

AHHHHHHHHH THE CRINGE IN THIS!!! But I did try to do this for like, EVER. So if you don't like it, don't worry you can tell me, I can keep it a secret. I don't like this cringe too, but hey! Practice is key to making good things like what other people do!! And I did this because I did not find much of anything of this ship. So yeah! Please give me suggestions for more to do!! Bye!

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