Chapter 2

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I picked up my glass cup to sip from it, and moved my eyes to see the baby was staring at me with wide-eyes. She laid on a blue blanket in a matching color bummsie with chocolate eyes and as she sucked on her green pacifier watching me. With deep interest I had been informed that the girl was named Emerald, I had laid her on my bedroom floor with a blanket and some toys next to her. "What?" I asked her and she didn't move, or really want to do anything, but then again she was a baby, "Want to go for a walk?" She made some sound, and I took that for a yes, so picking her up, my hands we're wrapped around her stomach (lightly but secured), grabbed a backpack, and left the house.

Emerald eyes moved all over the place, but she kept quiet with a large sun, the wind was barely blowing, and not to far away was the park. It only took about five minutes to the park (which was usually abandon) and we spent over an hour their, at some point I had put her on the ground, and she could only feel around in the unfamiliar environment. "I would never have a child she says, I'm not mature enough she says, and then here she comes with a baby anyway. Your such a liar."

The hairs on my neck stood up as the voice rang through my head, it was a femine voice I'd heard a thousand-times, and couldn't put a name on it. Emerald looked behind me, and I followed her gaze to see two people both in the twenties with a wide-open smile on it. The first one looked familiar to me, with really short curly hair, brown-eyes similar to me, and wore a full business suit. "Common on I've lived with you for years, and you still don't recognize me? Why are you always so dumb? Linsdey!"

"Do I know you?"

She pulled out a book and slammed it on my head from her backpack, and I rubbed my forehead. Emerald made giggling sounds and clapped her she was being adorable, "Ouch that was uncalled for!" The other-girl snatched her hands, and was trying to tug her away from the scene.

"Common on we got to go or we're going to be late."

"They can kiss my ass I haven't seen my sister in years."

"Well.. ah nevermind."

After she spoke I knew who it was Veronica my younger more annoying sister who I hadn't talked to since I left home. The last-time was two days after my eighteenth birthday, back when I was at the airport waiting to go visit dad. "So who's she?"

"This is Emerald I'm babysitting for the day."

"Babysitting? Since-"

"Shut up it's only a few hours, and this is my coworkers grandchild, so shut up. Anyway wanna introduce me to your friends?"

"No, alrighty so here's my number call me sis umh by the way call mom she wants to talk to you." She handed me a piece of paper grabbed the other girls hand and the two walked away from us with a smile on her face. That was interesting she must be my sisters new- Emerald screamed and I turned towards the young child.

"Alright it's time to go home," I picked up the small child, and she rested her really small head on my chest. I then picked up the backpack, and walked home with the baby in my arm that slept quietly. 

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 30, 2019 ⏰

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