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"You intrigue me."
She swallowed, mouth dry. "I'm not that interesting."
"Funny," a flicker of a smile, and a gaze that never wavered, "uninteresting people generally don't have to say that."
She had to get out- right now.
A step closer, and she was mesmerized.
"What are you trying so hard to hide?" He murmured.
She takes a breath and quietly replies, "N-nothing. I'm not hiding anything."
He chuckles and runs his thumb along her jaw before humming out, "We'll see about that, won't we?"
He takes her hand and leads her out of the office. She reluctantly follows close to his side, not knowing where he was taking her, but for some reason the heat coming off this man was comforting to her. After turning multiple corners and going down several hallways they arrive at a large staircase. This had to be the main entrance since their was a large oak door opposite the staircase.
The man gives a slight tug on her hand and they start up the stairs. As they climb them a man in blue jeans and a black t-shirt passes by. A slight growl from her captor makes the man look away from her as she's pulled closer to the blue eyed man leading her. He slips his arm around her waist as he continues to guide her.
They reach a set of white, double doors and he opens one side and ushers her in. He shuts the door behind them as she looks around the room. All the furniture is dark, solid oak and any fabric part of the furniture is black. The walls are dark red and the bed has black and red sheets. A hand presses against the small of her back and he whispers close to her ear, "I'm going to find out what you're hiding, but for now let's relax."
As he speaks his fingers slip to the exposed skin below the hem of her red blouse. She shivers as he pulls her in to his chest and slips his fingers under the edge of her shirt. She leans back in to his chest and murmurs, "You're really warm."
He chuckles lowly and leans down and kisses the side of her neck before pressing his lips close to her ear, "Just wait, I can get a whole lot hotter."
He tightens his grip on the hem of her shirt and pulls up, removing the red silken top in the blink of an eye. She gasps in surprise and he turns her around to face him. He picks her up and carries her to the bed, wrapping her legs around his waist. He lays her down gently as one hand reaches around and undoes her bra clasp, easily slipping it off and tossing it across the room.
He kisses her neck softly as he traces his fingers up and down her side, sending shivers through her body. She lets out a low moan as he kisses her collar bone. As he moves to undo the silver buttons of her black high waisted skinny jeans, a series of knocks echoes through the room. Coming from the doors which they had entered several minutes before.
A growl emanates from the man's throat as he pulls away slightly. As soon as they part she feels colder, already missing the warmth his skin provided.
"Who is it, and why do you find that you must interrupt now?" Luca asks harshly.
As the two sit up a man with a deep southern accent replies, "Gregory is here to see you, boss. He's in your study."
Luca sighs heavily and calls back dryly, "Fine, have Savannah in here in five minutes. Ms. Taylor here needs to talk to her about expanding her wardrobe."
As Luca stands from the bed, he smiles down at the dark headed girl he was so instantly taken with. Leaning down, he places a soft kiss on her cheek, and as sparks race through his veins to hers he whispers against her skin, "I'll be back in an hour or two, love. My stylist will be here for you shortly."
Without another word, he swiftly exits the bedroom, leaving the young woman dazed and flushed to the roots...

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