Ok... any requests?

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I will be taking requests from people. All you have to do is ask me what you want drawn and I will do it since I have no idea what to do with my life. -_-. Also! You need to tell me how you want the character to be drawn, the stance, the face, which arm goes where, which leg goes where, backround, and anything else I left out. If not, just tell me how the character looks and I will do it. Got it? And if you want you can add two people. More if you like... Just not something like 11 or 12... Something less ok... Please... Go easy... I don't really know how to draw good like my friends.... Anyway... Just ANYTHING. I don't care if it is weird... Just not something way out of weird... Not something way out of gross... If you know what I mean.... Ew... Well, anyway, can't wait to draw what you request!!!! 😅😅😅😅😅😅😅😅👍

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