"Remember I'm an anytime anyplace person. We could be at church for all I care." She walked upstairs

"And I oop. Toni She gone have you on holy grounds I'd stay away from church."

"Oh hush." One thing I know Janet was a woman of her word and if she said it didn't matter of we were on church grounds she meant it

"Toni where the food?"

"What food ian cook."

"You been eating on Janet you lil nasty."

"And she's good." I winked

"Ooouuu Say no more boo."

"Here  you got chicken collards and cornbread help ya self."

"I thought you didn't cook."


"Toni I got a question."


"If cats hate water how come—."

"Don't you dare." We started laughing

"It's true."

"Whatever just eat. I'm going upstairs for a minute I'll be back down."

"I'm sure you will Remember you don't know when it's coming."

"on that note, Poppy!"

"Oh hell no." He came running in sitting beside me

"Hey boy, who's my baby"

"Janet." Traci said

"Of course you gone say that."

"She is, right?"

"Of course." I smiled brightly

"Oh look at that big ass smile. You happy with her T?"

"Yea Trai I am."

"Awwwww shit now."

" •••••••••••••

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"Come back here Toni." She walked passed me

"You talking to me?"

"Mhm come here." I grabbed her arm pulling her to me

"You happy with me huh?"

"You heard me?"

"Yea. So are you?"

"Yea."  She looked down

"I'm happy with you too." I kissed her cheek and she blushed

"Janet, I'm sorry." I knew she was referring to that devil with four legs chasing me

"That's cute. Gimme a kiss that's all I want." She cautiously leaned in to kiss me, I had her on her P's & Q's

"See that's all, now go ahead and finish what you were doing. I'll be at my house, I need you there at 7 not no 7:02, 7 on the dot. Do I make myself clear."

" yes." I grabbed her waist looking down at her I was just a few inches taller than her

"Yes what?"

"Yes Daddy." I pecked her lips

"Thank you. I'll see you tonight."

"Okay."  Boy oh boy Toni was in for something tonight. I went to my house and got myself together, I sat down planning on how I was gonna take her. There were indeed plenty of ways I could do that, I could tie her ass up and fuck her unconscious or I could take slow. According On how she looked will determine how I'll go in her. I looked at my clock and it was 6:58, she only had two minutes. I leaned over my counter eating grapes watching the clock. I look over it was 7:00:35, 25 seconds later she knocked on the door.

"Your late."

"Janet I was right outside. You said be at not be in your house at 7. I mean it just turned 7:01 so what's the problem?"

"I said 7 on the dot." She sat her bag down and took off her jacket.

"Toni Toni Toni. You just wanna get in trouble don't you?" I circled around her like she was prey and smacked her ass

"Damn Janet, This my first time here at least give me a tour while I can walk still." She chuckled then picked me up

"You'll see it afterwards, I'll even carry you. But as of right now, I'm tying you up."

"What have I done."

"Mhm. You'll think twice bout letting that dog loose round me after tonight. That is if you're still conscious." She looked at me eyes popped

"Conscious? What you mean."

"Don't worry bout." I'm sure to get a kick out of this. I chuckled to myself and carried her upstairs, tonight was all ours.

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