Information & Stuff

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Hello everyone! :-) We are the chicken nugget crew!

I've named this award book "The Wattpad Awards" for a reason, and that reason is that I don't want to get in some kind of trouble later on down the line. That's why it's not called The Watty Awards. These awards are going to be picked by me and you.

I will also be reviweing each of the completed stories nominated in a review book that I'm making, and there's a time limit to submit nominations.

I have to make the deadline for submissions December 1st, 2014, because I have to make sure that we have time to read each of the submissions.

Here are the categories for this book:

-General fiction

There is no need to enter for Overall Best Story that's in the Results book, all the stories from the other award books are  automatically entered for this award.

I will be picking a first, second, and third place winner for each category.

Prizes for 3rd place: A shoutout on this account, my personal account (@-anxnymxus), and my three group accounts (@iwantthem1dicks, @datpizzadoe & @lucifers-misfits), a shoutout in this book, your book in a reading list entitled "2014 3rd Place Winners", and a shoutout in the Results book.

Prizes for 2nd place: A shoutout on this account, my personal account (@-anxnymxus), and my three group accounts (@iwantthem1dicks, @datpizzadoe & @lucifers-misfits), a shoutout in this book, your book in a reading list entitled "2014 2nd Place Winners," a free cover (made by me) for the story that was nominated OR your most popular story, and a shoutout in the Results book.

Prizes for 1st place: A shoutout on this account, my personal account (@-anxnymxus), and my three group accounts (@iwantthem1dicks, @datpizzadoe & @lucifers-misfits), a shoutout in this book, your book in a reading list entitled "2014 1st Place Winners," a free cover (made by me) for the story that was nominated OR your most popular story, 10 votes from each account (there will be less votes if the story doesn't have 10 parts) on the story that won, and a shoutout in the Results book.

By the way, it's better to add this book to your reading list/library so that way you can keep up with updates and stuff like that :-)

The forms to fill out are in the next part :-)

The General Fiction AwardsWhere stories live. Discover now