"Why not?" I ask defensively and stopping him from walking any further.

"He wants to give you some space." He says full of sorrow. 

"Right. Well tell him that he doesn't have to distance himself from me if he really likes me." I say continuing to walk off but wince in pain from the wound. I continue off to the dorms where I enter my room and quickly lay down. I take a deep breath in and then out and slowly relax.

"Rose? Are you okay?" James asks coming in the room, setting his books down on Kyle's bed.

"Yeah, just need to relax. You know from the wound." 

"Right, it should heal soon, right?" He asks curiously and frightened.

"Yeah, just give it some time." I raise up and sit back against the wall. "So, you're actually a genius?"

"Ha-ha, very funny, but yes I am." I raise my shirt to look at the bandage and slowly rip it off, the bandage has blood stains, but my wound is all stitched up and the bleeding has stopped. I get up and throw the bandage away then go back to the bed. "Wow, that looks bad."

"I know, but it's fine. Trust me, I have hidden worse wounds then this." I scoff.

"Why do you hide it? You could die." He asks desperately. 

"Because my parents are hard on me and would see me as a failure if I was to ever get injured in battle." I admit looking down.

"Things happened, you can't help that."

"I know, it's just how my life is." I sigh, knowing that it is complicated for anybody to understand the pressure that I live through the anger that builds up daily. "Listen, if you don't mind I'm going to just rest, right now and might fall asleep." I say sliding down and turning over to face him as my head lays on the pillow.

"It's your room. I'm just going to wait here until Kyles comes back with the guys." I nod and slowly shut my eyes.

I wake up, turned the other way and hear voices, familiar voices. "Clint likes Rose!" Lonnie sings, loudly. 

"Shh, you're going to wake her." He demands, whispering, exhausted. "I don't want her to see me." 

"Oh, that is not a good idea. Especially if you're trying to get her to like you because she said that you shouldn't distance yourself away from her if you really like her." James restates what I told him earlier. 

"Of course, she did." I then feel a hand go through my hair, causing me to jump; I closed my eyes and shift my body to pretend that I'm still asleep. "I guess I can ask her out."

"Dude, I think you did more than ask her out last night." James says laughing.

"What do you mean?" I then hear Jay ask. Really? Jay is here? 

"Clint kissed Rose last night while he was helping her get dressed." Lonnie explains sarcastically. 

"Ew, dude." Jay says pushing Clint, causing him to land on top of me, directly on top of my wound. I grunt out in pain and turn my body towards them. "Rose, I'm sorry."

Clint looks up at me and grabs my hand to make sure that I am okay. He places his hand, gently, over my wound. I close my eyes and winced as the pain grows, "Okay, I'm good. What the hell?" I ask, looking at Jay. "Never mind, what time is it?" I ask yawning and rubbing my eyes. 

"It's two o'clock. When Kyle comes back we are all going to go out, maybe to the arcade or go bowling." Lonnie responds, seriously now and then smiles. "That's if you two are up for it?"

"We've never played either, so I guess we will find out." I say raising my eyebrow.

"Touché." He laughs. 

I look up at Clint and both stare at each other awkwardly. As we stare at each other the others get up, including Jay, and they slowly back out of the room to give us space to talk. "So..." Clint begins to say but trails off. 

"So?" I asked in a low voice. "You decided to see me?'

"Yes, I want to always see you."

"Clint, you were right I should think about what I want. I want to be with you but I am afraid." I say softly. 

He frowns at me and moves closer to me on the bed, "Of what?" He asked taking my hand.

"You heard those demons. They're after me and my brother and will kill anybody that we care about." 

"I am willing to take the chance; I won't let them get you."

"It's not about them getting me, it's about them getting you or anybody else."

"Rose, I promise they will not get me. You're worth the risk. So, in saying, would you like to go out with me?" He asks still holding my hand but making small circles into my hand with his thumb.

I roll my eyes and smile, "Yes." Clint's smile widens, and he wraps his arms around me, bringing me closer to him, and he kisses me.

I am in Clint's lap when Kyle walks in; I feel awkward as he studies mine and Clint's position. "Hey, are you guys ready?" We both nod and get up. 

I can see that Kyle is hurt at seeing me with Clint, but there is nothing I can really do about it, and that is what makes me feel worse. I don't like to inflict pain on someone else. "I'm actually going to change my shirt." I say grabbing a thick gray sweater, it has long sleeves and a hood. I walk out of the bathroom and go outside the room, I close the door and as I turn around the guys are whispering about something. That's when I notice that Kyle has his arms wrapped Donna's shoulder.

"Oh, Rose, I am sorry for the way I acted earlier. I thought you were wanting Kyle and I was afraid that Kyle would actually like you." Donna says with a kind smile and she buries her head into Kyle, but Kyle and I eye each other, and I turn around. 

"I have Clint." I say going to him and holding his hand. "So, what's the plan?" I ask looking around. 

"The arcade."

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