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I was suddenly rooted to the spot; too shocked to move. One minute it was so quiet you could hear an ant move, then the next, that wonderful sensational sound. I slowly turned on my heel,and looked up. A new wave of shock ran over me when I realized that it was the prince who talked. "Stay" he pleaded. Oh. My. GOD!!!!!! How is it possible for a voice to be so soft, but oh so very clear. I tilted my hear to one side to show my confusion, if I looked at the King & Queen's expression and I was pretty sure that it would be very similar to mine. "Is something the matter?" my sister asked , popping out of thin air. Well that's not really true she must've heard Cinder's voice and walked back to check what was going on. Well that makes the two of us sister!

"I'm not sure myself,darling." the Queen answered as a response to Adri's question. "Cinder!?" the King said sounding unsure as he glanced at me walking up the stairs "What is meaning of this."By then I was at the top of the stairs prepared for the pain the prince would bring into me when he said he was joking. Instead he shocked us all by sighing. We were all surprised to hear venom in his voice as he spoke to his father "Oh Father, I didn't know that I was a guinea pig being experimented on!" The King looked furious, he opened his mouth to say something but Cinder beat him to it "Honestly for one time in my life can I choose my own battles. It's my Selection. If I think someone is fit to participate shouldn't I decided it!" We were all speechless after his speech, the Queen was the first to recover "Honey" she started "Be reasonable-"

"I'm done being reasonable Mother!"
"Where would she stay? All the guest rooms are occupied!!"
"She could stay on my floor. I certainly don't need all that space."
''Well... what about her family, they'd be worried sick! "
" I dont know... we could just write them a letter."

I don't know why,but,seeing them argue back and forth surprised me .I never could've guessed that the King,Queen and the Prince argued with each other like a normal family would! "Arrianna!" the King said snapping me out my thoughts "Would you like to be a participant in the royal selection?" If I wasn't staring at the King with shock evident on my face, I'm pretty sure Adri's mouth would be hanging down right now. Everyone looked at me,waiting for my answer. 'You can't turn down an opportunity like this, maybe they'll be proud of you for once.' I thought."Your Highness thank you for this opportunity, I accept your proposal, I will forever be in your gratitude." I answered while I curstied. "That's wonderful dear, please enter." the Queen said airly .

I walked beside Adri through the gates and stopped when she stopped. We were in a beautiful greenhouse, I looked around and saw five other girls about my age. Adri walked over -probably to start bragging about how awesome she was -, while I just stood there; unsure of what to do. Three of the girls hurried over, one wearing a blood red dress with heart shaped ruby earrings and bright red lip gloss said "Hey I'm America, this is Italy and Paris!" Apparently the one with the forest green dress was Italy and the one wearing the black and white mermaid dress was Paris. They were all beautiful girls, but it wasn't their beauty that shocked me. "NO. WAY. YOU CAN'T BE SERIOUS!!Your names are Paris,America and Italy!!?" "Ummm... Yes!" they said in union. I smiled at their confused faces; clearly these girls have no idea what I was talking about. "Paris,America and Italy are some of the old world countries!" "Correct Arrianna, I see you know the history of Earth" the Queen smiled. " I know a few things here and there " I replied. "I'm soooooo sorry that I'm late!! The pilot was taking forever!!!!!!" We all looked at the girl who entered , she was wearing a burgundy dress and lipstick. Her dress was knee long and she was wearing black fourteen inch stilettos. She was no doubt stunning, the Queen cleared her throat and said " Hello Cassette. Now that you're all here we can begin"

"Fair maidens from near and far I welcome you to the palace. One of you will be chosen as queen, we are looking foward to see who that'll be, please tell us a little about yourselves." The King said with a dazzling smile. "Contestant #1" the royal adviser boomed. The girl who arrived late walked to the podium and said "Good morning to you all, my name is Cassette England. I am the royal princess of Bayna. I am honored to be a participant in this competition. I thank you." We all cheered politely after her speech.She does look like princess, I should have noted this when I saw the small silver tiara on her head. "Contestant #2" " Hello everyone,my name is Harper Reylonds. It is a honour to participate in this competition, i m looking towards winning. Thank you" I wasn't a bit surprised to hear that she was number two, no so see Adri was talking to her earlier. "#3" Adri walked up the steps slowly while we applauded. "Greetings my King,Queen and Prince, my fellow competitors and all those present. My name is Adriana Petty. I stand proudly before you today as contestant number three. I am looking towards the fun times we shall have during my stay, gracias."
"# 4. #4" . "Oh dear that's me" Paris giggled and walked up the steps. "Hello loves, my name is Paris Coleman, I am happy to have this great opportunity. As a wonderful girl told me, the name Paris is a old world name. Well thanks"
Carmen Electra was #5 and Italy was #6. That made America #7.
As she walked up the stairs, you could see her shaking. "My name... Is... America Night... I ummm... Am happy to be here... Thanks."
Some of the girls including my sister were hiding there grins behind their hands .
I hugged America saying "When people try to put you down it only means you are above them!"
" Thanks, hey if I'm #7 which number are-"
"Now, Prince Cinder's special guest. Arrianna Petty, nasha koroleva.''
I raised my head high and stepped to the podium"

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 22, 2019 ⏰

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