"I am," I said, determined to find Sky.

Markus's POV

Damn. Damn it. Damn her!

As soon as I saw her, I had this feeling. A feeling that, despite the effort I put into it, I will never forget. Because, this feeling, the feeling that I had, was the feeling. It was the feeling of being with your other half. A human! Can you believe this? A human! And then I had to go andhug her! But...when she said that her parents had been murdered too, even though I already knew it, when she said it, and I saw her sad, sad face, I couldn't help but make her want to feel better...


But this girl is needed by the Prince, and so I will comply with his orders of finding Schuyler a friend. I must be nice, or at least try, or she might complain to the Prince once they meet.

"Come then," I said. "We will leave now."

She had shock on her face, but she did not say one single word. She nodded and walked ahead of me.

*Since we haven't brought a car, I thought one of us must carry her, Sol,* I said to Solent.

And the answering reply I got in return?

*Not just no, Mak, but HELL NO. I am not going to carry this girl. You do it. I'm just the tracker,* he said back.

*I don't like your tone of voice.* We walked out of the hospital, without even signing the girl out. *Besides, if I tell you to do it, then do it. Don't be such a baby.*

*And what the hell do you think you are? You're the one who brought the fu-the stupid Idea up!*

*Fine, idiot, I'll carry the girl. But I'm taking all the credit for finding her!* And I broke the line that lets us speak telepathically. I hurried to the girl, who was still ahead of us, oblivious to our silent conversation.

"Hey," I said to her. "We didn't bring a car. I'm going to have to carry you." Her only response was to nod. Either she was really intent on being with Schuyler, or she was scared out of her mind. Or, I thought, with a sad feeling coming to me, she doesn't trust us, which would be the logical answer. Or maybe it was a combination of the sort.

But when my skin brushed her skin, even the slightest way, I felt shock. Complete, utter shock. It was the weirdest feeling, because it didn't hurt at all. It was apleasant feeling. But I shook myself out of that trance. When I noticed her expression, I realized she'd felt it to. I shook my head and took her into my arms. Then I ran, Solent not far behind.

I looked at her, as she stared silently into the night ahead of her. She was so innocent, so lovely...

No! Not again!

I would definitely have to speak to His Majesty about this. I mean, after all, this feeling, the one I have when I look at her, could mean one thing only: she was supposedly my "other Half". I would not stand for this! I mean, c'mon, a Human! A freaking...human. As I thought this, I felt my face slowly move toward her delicate face, looking ahead, not aware that my eyes were on her.

Andbesides...he is the only person still alive that is said to have felt that. And while we ran, I felt the familiar wind, the familiar sensation of flying, and I had the feeling that she got that too. Solent was behind me, I could tell.

The bad thing about the feeling I just had? Someone else was behind him, running at the same speed... Back to talking telepathically! Yay...

*Do you hear it, Sol?* I asked him.

A second later I got his reply. *Yes. We need to hurry. They're gaining, and they're not following us to invite us to a tea party...They're trackers, like me. But something is off.*

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