Homemade Cupcakes

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Ingredients : 

- 7 eggs 

- 1 cup of sugar 

- 1/2 of a cup of oil

-2 cups of flour 

-1/2 of a teaspoon of vanilla powder  

- a sprinkle of salt 

- 2 teaspoons of baking powder

-3/4 of a cup of milk ( i personally mix milk powder with water but i think any milk is good as long as it's liquid)

-1/2 of a teaspoon of white vinager

- 1 lemon ( grate the zest before starting to mix the ingredients)

- 2 teaspoons of cocoa ( this ingredient is optional unless you want to make chocolate cupcakes instead of vanilla cupcakes )

- some butter 

PS : these mesuraments will give you around 24 cupcakes but it depends on the size of your fillers 

Tools : 

- one large bowl 

-a grater

-a mixer 

-cupcake fillers

- a teaspoon

- a soup ladle 

Steps : 

In a big bowl start beating the eggs along with the vanilla powder . Add the oil, the milk , the flour , the baking powder, the vinagre and the grated lemon ( if you don't have a grater squeeze the lemon ).Beat everything together until you get a homogeneous mixture .

For chocolate cupcakes add the cocoa right after the lemon 

Grease the cupcake filler with butter and fill them using a soup ladle . Then put them in the oven for 25 - 30 mins on 180 degrees. 

That's all 

These are very basic cupcakes so if you want to spice it up you can add some toppings 

I usually add nutella ,sprinkles and chocolate chips but any other toppings are great 

I hope you'll try them and like them ! 

Also , credits to my grandma for the recipe 😂😂

Stay Strong 


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