
dimminie🐣: sorry i was cooking up a storm. 


i'm really tired now but this foood is looking 
real good and i don't want to mess it up. 

namjoonie 🦀: Ohhhh, that's fine. 

I'm just gonna go escape through my window. 

dimminie 🐣: nO! you're
going to get hurt if 
you do that! 

here, how about pick
out something casual 
but formal. 

namjoonie 🦀: I haven't been interacting with humans
for quite some time. Not sure how that works. 

dimminie 🐣: well it's still pretty fresh and cool outside
after it rained, so maybe try out a turtleneck. 

some jeans and a belt. i think that would look nice. 

namjoonie 🦀: You got a point. 

I'm still going to escape through my window. 

I don't really want to go.

It's kind of scary, i haven't really 
met any new people in the past months

Except you of course. 

dimminie 🐣: well it'll be good for you if you did. 

but if you do really feel uncomfortable, don't. 

wanna chat for a bit?
i still need to get to 
work on this food.
not done yet. skks


namjoon is calling you.. 
yes | no

JIMIN: "hey, aren't you gonna change first?" 

NAMJOON: "maybe, i don't know. i'm just really 
nervous, not sure why." 

JIMIN: "you really haven't been talking to that many 
people, huh?" 

NAMJOON: "no... not really. i mean i was able to last time,
yoongi's boyfriend is really friendly. so i just got comfortable, 
y'know but without that ease, it's kind of... overwhelming?
not sure. i mean... it's just weird." 

JIMIN: "no no, i get you." he started cutting up the vegetables, 
starting with the carrots. "just so you know, if you do 
feel uncomfortable, just ask your friend if you could leave. 
you aren't being forced at gunpoint to stay." he laughed, 
nearly cutting his finger during that. "oops." 

NAMJOON: laughed along with him as well, "you're right. 
anyway, what are you cooking anyway?"

JIMIN: "japchae, it's looking pretty good so far." 

NAMJOON: "ooh, what's the special occasion?" 

JIMIN: "dinner party, nothing special." he giggled. 
"last week, the other one had to be cancelled.
bad decisions were made." 

NAMJOON: "such as?" 

JIMIN: "i rather not talk about it while i'm cooking.
i don't want anything to happen to my food."

NAMJOON: he caught on and laughed. "that? ahh, 
if it's you that's cooking, everyone will be safe." 

JIMIN: he blushed, "well thank you." 

NAMJOON: "you're welcome." 

they stayed silent as jimin cooked and namjoon scribbled on his notebook mindlessly, it had gotten easier for namjoon to write. which he was incredibly grateful for. 

JIMIN: "ahh my noodles are looking so good." 

NAMJOON: "shame i can't try it." 

JIMIN: he smiled softly, "one day you will then. when i become a world renown chef and you'll just have to come to my restaurant." 

NAMJOON: "are you actually serious about that?" he asked, with genuine excitement in his voice. 

JIMIN: "no! no... it's too late for that. i'm a shriveled up pumpkin seed. i don't know if i want to go to college again." he shyly said, tucking a stray strand of hair behind his ear. 

NAMJOON: "oh hush you're not that old and statistically, you got a good fifty more years to go." 

JIMIN: "i'll think about it... but i think cooking is just a favourite hobby of mine- like gardening." 

NAMJOON: "well it's never too
late to do something
you really want to do." 

JIMIN: he paused, staying silent for a little as he cooked. "you're... you're right. 
thank you." 

NAMJOON: "what are you planning?" 

JIMIN: "can't tell you or it won't come true." he smiled. 


note; can you hear it?
it's me screaming finally.

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