SCP-012 x Reader

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     "D-5032, please approach SCP-012 for testing purposes." You stared nervously at the piece of paper. Your heart began racing, your breathing quickened, and you started to sweat. The paper, it felt like it was missing something. Something you could complete!

     Nervously approaching the paper, you slowly began noticing it's details. The paper itself seemed old, it was a brown/yellow-ish sort of color. There were music notes on it, but there were none that you could read because you aren't experienced in... Whatever requires you to read musical notes. But to your dismay, you could tell, by the look and by the smell, that it was written out in blood.

     Who's blood? Probably another poor and innocent D-class like you that didn't want any part of this. Or, wait, no. Not all of the D-class are innocent but still. You started scratching at your wrist but it started to feel weird, so you just started scratching your arm instead. Now that you thought about it, you had no
clue or reason as to why you were scratching in the first place. It wasn't itchy and this wasn't a habit... So what's wrong?

     Suddenly an intense pain came from your arm and your hand became wet. You looked down to see a drop of blood run down your pale, cold skin. You started to wonder how in the hell did you scratch so hard you managed to cut yourself??

     Regardless, you stopped scratching and attempted to wipe off the blood on your D-Class uniform. However, the cut was apparently too big and kept bleeding. Sighing, you put your hand in your uniform's pockets and looked back to the SCP in the room with you. A sudden urge to write on it took over you. You panicked mentally, not sure if you should listen to this urge or not. But you didn't know you had no choice.

     You walked up to the old, disgusting paper and lifted your bloodied hand. You touched the surface of the paper, it felt how it looked. Old and withered. Your hand moved with a mind of it's own. You slowly and nervously wrote out the words...


Lo ve

Yo u

     You stared in disbelief. "Wait, what?" You looked at the camera that was in the cell with you. "What the hell kind of joke is this?" Judging by the sounds of the scientists talking, this probably wasn't a normal thing to happen. You let an annoyed sigh leave your lips. Looking at the message at on the paper again, you began realising what little sense it actually made.

     But nonetheless, you felt like someone else had to have written it and you sure as hell didn't want to be rude. You swallowed hard before saying, "I uh... Love you too?" Look, it isn't easy confessing to a piece of paper that also is an SCP. A voice came from the camera that said you was safe to leave. However, they are going to consider testing with you again. The chamber door opened and you were deemed the first to come out of there alive.


Betcha didn't expect this, hMMM???
Yeah, you probably didn't
Btw, if I made any mistakes like misspelling something or using the wrong POV please tell me because I legit get anxiety over the fact that I could've messed up a chapter, no matter how little the mistake is. Thank you and goodbye UwU

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