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"Around ten years ago, there was a massive battle here between two high-level cultivators. Because of their fight, the prison doors were blown open and the criminals all poured out and ran off."

"This happened while I was dead? Wait but if the cultivators got away, then the pink hue of the sky could be..."


As if preplanned, both Lanzhan and Weiying both called out to the waiter, wanting to know more about the mystery behind this town. In a blink of an eye, the waiter was back at their table, waiting for their words.

"So about the sky, the bloo- pink hue has been here for how long?" Weiying wrapped his sentence up quickly, realising his small slip up.

"I mean, I only moved here about seven years ago but it's been that colour since then."

"What about other people? Do you know anyone who has been here long enough so that they've seen the sky a normal blue?"

"I don't know about that but I'm fairly certain that most, if not all, residents here have moved here after the word about the sky spread. Everyone was kind of curious as to this sky that was pink all year round so they decided to move here. I was no different, except my family was a little later than the others."

"Oh so no one was here to witness the actual sky turn pink?"

"No, I don't think so."

Weiying looked at Lanzhan, both having the same thought at the same time. They asked the waiter for the cost, paid and as if preplanned, clutched their weapons at the same time, curious, inquisitive and interested in this new mystery. They looked at each other, all the words gone from their mouth and only conversed through a simple nod of their heads. 

A few feet away was an inn with a strong scent of alcohol, Weiying's only motivation to walk in that direction. Lanzhan followed closely behind, thinking about where they could get more information about this whole new mystery. Snapping him out of his trance was Weiying's touch on his arm, pulling him into the small inn. 

"Do you remember what you promised me?"



"Waiter, get me two jugs of wine and one room." Lanzhan's request and words were both simple but regardless, Weiying was happy. As they made their way upstairs to their resting place for the night, Weiying was carrying his two jugs of wine, one in each hand, a smile across his face. 

The room was considerably smaller than what both of them had been used to over the years but neither complained. Weiying sat himself down at the small table in the middle of the room and popped open his wine. At a point of almost chugging, Weiying finished half of one jug before Lanzhan even finished setting their items down. 

"Tomorrow, we'll go a bit further north to look for villagers around this area. They might have information on this case."

All Lanzhan received in response was Weiying's nod as the liquid continued to pour down his throat. Lanzhan shook his head lightly at Weiying's habit and sat across from him. 

"You want some?"


"Yea, I wasn't expecting you to accept my generous offer on such a delicacy."

"Weiying, alcohol isn't a delicacy."

"Well in my eyes it is. Just like how you like rabbits, I like wine."


"Lanzhan let's go to bed."

All along, Lanzhan had always been the one urging Weiying to head to sleep earlier and never the other way around. But since this was a rare opportunity where Weiying was willing to sleep, Lanzhan dropped the matter on rabbits and ignored the fact that both of them had slept earlier during the afternoon. Lanzhan nodded in response, earning a grin from Weiying before he proceeded to strip off his clothes immediately. 

By the time Lanzhan had taken off all his clothes except the inner layer, Weiying was already on the bed, head propped up against his right hand as he stared at his partner, waiting for the empty spot beside him to contain some warmth. 

Both of them were content for the rest of the night. No matter how tiring it was during the day, nightfall was always a peaceful and relaxing time. 


pls leave some suggestions in the comments for the plot and also don't forget to vote :)

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