1. Jisung

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Love. A word that Jisung would easily give an example for. His example? Kim M/n, his best friend that he's been in love with since middle school.

It was a one-sided love that Jisung knew would soon have M/n feeling the same way. Just give him time...


6:50 am was the time that Park Jisung would wake up every morning to head to M/n's house to walk with him. Living only two minutes away, Jisung had to make sure that no one would want to take M/n away from him.

"Let's go see my sunshine." Jisung spoke to himself after running a hand through his blonde hair .

Locking door behind him, he made sure to make a quick breakfast for his mom who didn't have to go to work until 8 am. The short walk to M/n's always ended up being a busy one since Jisung would stop by the convenience store to pick up M/n's breakfast.

7:15 am and M/n was out of his house waving happily at Jisung who was waiting outside of the gates for him.

"You actually made it out here earlier than usual." Jisung spoke while taking the other's bag and handing M/n his breakfast.

"I feel bad for making you wait so long." M/n replied and thanked his best friend for the food as usual.

The two boys walked to school in the cool autumn morning, without a care in the world. Some students would say hi to them since that's what everyone would do. But one wrong move can put them somewhere they don't want to be.

Dream Elite was a performing and arts school that trained their students to thrive in the entertainment field, once they graduate. M/n and Jisung had both taken the path of becoming a professional dancer, but with different results. M/n wants to open his own dance studio, while Jisung wants to join an idol group.

"Today, we have to make a new choreography, right?" M/n asked the blonde who was internally screaming over how cute M/n is.

Jisung quickly nodded his head and looked at his phone to see that someone had texted him. M/n was talking about ideas that they should try while walking to their dance class.

"So that's why I love Jaemin." With that, Jisung snapped his head to look at M/n as if he had seen a ghost.

"W-What?" Jisung asked in disbelief before M/n chuckled and shaking his head.

"You weren't paying attention so I just said something random. Next time pay attention to me only~" M/n teased while playfully giving Jisung a wink and walking into dance class.

Trust me, I'm always paying attention to you.



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