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It had been a month since Todoroki had first seen his mom in the mental ward, and life was finally getting better. He kept in contact with her, he made friends and even had a crush, something he never thought he would experience. He smiled softly as he looked down at his phone, a new message from midoriya;

Midoriya: Hi Todoroki I was wondering if you would want to hang out with our group Tuesday after school, we're going to the mall to shop and watch a movie.

Todo: sure sounds great midoriya!

As soon as he sent that his mom texted, so as he got the details from Midoriya he texted his mom. He was about to tell Midoriya thanks for inviting him, his mom said she had to leave and I love you. He tried to reply but texted the wrong person.

Todo: Hey Midoriya

Todo: I love you

Before he could realize his mistake or apologize he got a notification

Midoriya: o-oh, I didn't know you felt that way, but...I love you to Shoto

Todoroki hadn't even thought of confessing but he couldn't keep a blush off his face as he typed

Todo: Izuku, I'm so glad you return my feelings and would you want to go on a date tomorrow, we could go get some ice cream?

Midoriya: only if you'll be my boyfriend

Todo: It's a date

Midoriya changed Todo's name to Shoto<3

At this Todoroki completely felt his face burn. And later that night as he went to sleep he couldn't help but feel excited, the emotionless boy. Happy, so excited for his date! Who knew that even someone who had no experience with love could manage, could love, and even be happy.

A/N: yeah, this was crap. I couldn't find inspiration and had no clue what to write. I came up with this out of nowhere and write it, sorry for wasting your time.

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