Chapter 25

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Day 158
­Tomoe dreamt about her samurai mentor and the relationship they shared.
When Tomoe was awake...
Tomoe: Lady Blodeuwedd, Lord Eirik, may I ask something of you, in private? It's about Kari.
Blod & Eirik: Of course.
Once they were alone and could not be overheard...
Tomoe: When I was young and trained in matters of war, my mentor and I shared a special bond, something I then nurtured with another woman once I was trained and married. I think Kari could benefit from the same experience.
Eirik: What does it involve?
Tomoe: In addition to passing on the disciplines of the sword and of developing character, it involves sexual activity to enhance the bond between mentor and mentee and gives the mentee the opportunity to give something back in exchange to the time and effort the mentor puts in.
Eirik: Uhh-
Blod: Thank you for coming to us first. Such a thing may work in your culture but we have nothing like it in Norse culture. I would personally be against it.
Eirik: Blod, Kari isn't a little girl anymore. We might not see the value in it but it obviously works for the Japanese warrior class, so I think Kari should have the choice.
Blod: *growls* Fine! Just don't hurt her or push her into anything sexual she isn't comfortable doing.
Tomoe: Thank you. You have my word that she will be treated with due consideration and respect.

During midday task changeover...
Kari: No. Fucking. Way!
Tomoe: I am disappointed to hear that. I was going to teach you how to handle a sword as well as some new moves that may impress Shanaw when she comes round.
Kari: Wait, what? I...guess I could learn... But if I say no, you will listen, do you hear?
Tomoe: *smiles* Loud and clear.

Tom: Solveig, can we take your plant trays up to the plateau?
Solveig: Yes, dear, but be careful. You will need three of you.

That evening...
Tom: *taps his tankard with a piece of cutlery* Everyone! Over the next two days during the midday changeover, we'll be moving the sheep pens up to the plateau. I would appreciate it if everyone could help with this, both carrying the wood and herding the sheep. Are we going to leave the spot empty? I hear you ask. Knut and Eirik will set up a combat training ground there. We all need to skill up over the next few evenings if we are to beat Björn. That is all.
Kari: Dad, could I borrow your sword this evening?
Eirik: Of course!
Blod: Be careful out there. Come back in or scream at the first sign of troub-
Eirik: Blod! We trust her.
Blod: Do we?

Day 159
Tom was at an Iron Maiden concert. Up on the big screens, he could see the camp members and their allies marching towards Björn's camp. He knew this was instead of the Light Brigade and what was coming.
B. Dickinson: Into the Valley of Death
Rode The Six Hundred
Cannons to the left of them
Cannons to the right of them
Cannons in front of them
Volleyed and thundered
Tom woke up.
Tom: *to self* It's going to be a bloodbath. Someone's going to mess up with preparations and/or execution. Oh, shit...

Elsewhere in the shelter first thing that morning...
Tomoe: Moira, may I speak with you?
Moira: Of course! What is on your mind?
Tomoe: Kari has some surprisingly good moves in the bedroom (she's too quick to act with the sword) and I don't think I can keep up with her.
Moira: Taken on too much?
Tomoe: I'm hoping you will agree to teach me some moves I can pass down.
Moira looked shocked for a moment, then a creepy smile appeared on her face.
Moira: You want me to indirectly teach bedroom moves to my niece? What a perverse idea! I accept!

Tom: I've been meaning to ask...
Gudrun: What my sexual preferences are?
Tom: *shudders* Not funny!
Gudrun shrugged.
Tom: How are we going to find a valkyrie?
Gudrun: I know where. Leave it to me. You'll have your valkyrie in a few days.
Tom: That's a relief. Thank you. We can't spare anyone at the moment.
Tom walks away.
Gudrun: Ignorance is bliss.

In the towers that morning...
Tom: I promise not to touch your boobs for a few days.
Shanaw: Bloody time of month coming. Two days, I think.
Tom: I wish I could help. You know where the cloth and willow bark are.
Shanaw: Yes. We can still hug and kiss.
Tom: I would like that.
Shanaw: When my boobs are small again, you'll know it's time.
Tomoe: You two, may I have a word?
Shanaw: Scary sheep woman knows about us!
Tom: Shit!
Tomoe: I have heard you over the past week or so. It's very sweet.
Tom: You have? You don't think it wrong?
Tomoe: There are lots of age gap relationships where I come from. We think they have mentor-mentee value.
Tom: Phew.
Tomoe: Not so fast. Keeping it a secret from everyone is not honorable.
Tom: But they will all disapprove! Kari will kill me!
Tomoe: Then you need to learn to explain yourself and stand your ground with the others. They will come around in time. As for Kari, as her mentor, I can tell you she has weaknesses.
Tom: I'm a coward and no fighter. You know that. I couldn't even shoot her. She's not an enemy.
Tomoe: You shot Eustache.
Tom: That was different. I (miraculously) had time to think. I won't get that with Kari. Besides, nobody was going to jump to Eustache's aid. Blod and Eirik would be on me very quickly if I harmed their daughter.
Tomoe: They will not intervene if you tire Kari out and disable her without harming her.
Tom: I can't do that! I'm too slow, weak and panicky.
Tomoe: You need to find a way.
Tom: Why do I need to?
Tomoe: Because she will find out, sooner or later. Deep down, you know this. It is best to be in control of the situation rather than let the situation find you.
Tom: That's true. Can you teach me how to dodge and disable?
Tomoe: You don't need me for that. Channel your panic into something constructive when the time comes.
Tomoe then walked away, back to her sheep, turning around briefly.
Tomoe: In order to preserve my own honour, I will tell Blod and Eirik in a week if you don't!
Tom gulped.

That evening...
Knut: The training ground will be set up tomorrow. I expect everyone to get some training in. Even you, Tom! Tom? Where is he?
Everyone looked round.
Cissé: Shanaw is missing too. Do you think...?
Kari: *laughs very hard* No way! Shanaw's only into women. Besides, who would go for THAT? *continues to laugh*
Moira: Your aunt, for one!
Kari: But you go for everyone, Aunt Moira.
Moira: Not quite true but I get the point.
Everyone laughed except for Cissé and Tomoe. Both caught each other's gaze. She nodded. Cissé looked concerned.

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