I cried out while I jumped behind a piller to avoid being shot in a more critical spot. "Rick!" I shouted out, trying to gain his attention, but he was already on it. Suddenly Carl ran out of nowhere and shot the man in the side, knocking him out and to the ground.

I breathed heavy as I bent over and felt my wound. I winced at the sting of touching it, but it was nothing serious, just a literal graze.

"Are you okay" Michonne asked me. I nodded my head and looked down at the man on the ground. Rick pulled his shirt up to reveal body armor he wore.

"Clever" I said as I looked around "He must be packing some heat " I suggested as I looked up at the tall building.

I zoned out for a little while while the others went upstairs to check things out. I stood watch outside, making sure nothing would be sneaking up on us.

This man was creative. Smart obviously. Creating booby traps and pikes to trap the walkers.

When Rick said he knew him from before, I couldn't imagine how he felt. That must've been a bunch of emotions flooding back all at once.

I perched myself up on a crate and sighed, closing my eyes and listening to everything around me.

It wasn't like it was peaceful by any means, but it was something.

I was growing used to the echoes off the walls in the prison.

Michonne and Carl walked out of the building in the opposite direction of me and I nearly got up to follow, but figured it was best to stay where I was. I was needed here to cover Rick.

I missed Daryl. And the truth was that we haven't even been gone 3 hours and I missed him as badly as the sun misses the moon. With all that's going on with the Governor, I was wanted to get back to the prison as soon as possible to protect our people.

30 minutes later we were finally leaving, thank God. The man who attacked us had walked past me as he walked out of the building  followed by Rick who carried massive amounts of weaponry.

Michonne and Carl came back eventually and carried a baby playpen for Judith to sleep in. I smiled at the two and was surprised to receive one back.

"You guys found a nice one" I said softly as I hoped down off my perch to grab two more big bags of guns that Rick had left next to me.

Michonne nodded and smiled and I wrapped my arm around the top of her shoulders, giving her a quick squeeze "Any problems while you were gone?" I asked quietly

"A little....nothing I couldn't handle" she reassured me as we walked to the car. She grinned a bit "the quicker we load this car, the quicker we get you back home to your man" she teased.

I smiled like a banshee and laughed a little, earning a look from the dark skinned man.

"Home...you said home" I said happily.

Michonne smiled as she looked at the ground and shuffled her feet "I guess I did didn't I" she said.

We shut the trunk and loaded up into the car, and started our long trek back home. But the time seemed to pass by much much quicker this time.

It was a successful day, and I was so glad. We needed this success. Something to give us hope that we stood a chance against the Governor.

I couldn't wait for the others to see our success.

1 hour later

When we rolled up to the prison gates, I was relieved to see nothing else had changed outside. No attacks from the Governor or anything.

Carol was the first to open the gate and soon enough the others rushed outside as we rolled in.

Daryl stood among them and I smiled as we pulled to a stop and I jumped out, quickly walking up to him and embracing him in a tight hug.

He was quick to wrap me up in his arms to and I had never felt such a good feeling in my life.  Having someone to come home to. Someone who cares about me like he did.

We pulled apart a inch and I smiled at him "I promised didn't I" I said as I looked up at him with my big blue eyes.

He nodded his head and kissed me gently, his hands on my waist soothingly. "I missed you"

"I missed you to baby" I said lovingly.

He stared at me with an odd expression for a moment and I rose an eyebrow "What is it?"

"I ain't ever been called baby before" He mumbled honestly with a cute tint to his cheeks.

"We'll get used to it" I giggled, kissing him again with a small bite to his bottom lip. I pulled away and held onto his hand "come look" I said as I led him to the back of the car where everyone now surrounded with tremondous smiles on their faces.

"So many guns!" Maggie exclaimed.

I smiled and laughed with joy, knowing we could properly defend ourselves from the Governor. Daryl smiled and grabbed my ass when no one was watching "Good job" he said softly.

I leaned into his side with a smile "You can thank me later" I said as I looked up at him, winking with a mischievous smile.

He grinned and kissed the top of my head, and in that moment I felt nothing but peace. Even tho we lived in a world where the dead roamed the earth, fighting to survive every single day, a war waiting to happen, we still had moments like this. Moments where I was reminded that this life is still worth living.


Hi guys! I'm so sorry it has been soooo long since I've updated. Life has been pretty hectic with some changes. I've had like ZERO time and if I did have time, I will as usually exhausted #momlife.

Please let me know what you guys think. I know I skipped over a lot of major details for this specific scene in the show and I apologize greatly, but I hope y'all enjoy.

Much love ❤️

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