Research Purposes

Start from the beginning

Fauna Kimyoko Beads rings, then Shuri face was shown, "Fauna hurry, T'Challa is on his way here!" Shuri said then clicking off before the woman can reply. Nakia laugh at Fauna face, "Well I guess duties call." The women embraced each other, "Be safe." Fauna said puling away from Nakia, "You too. Don't have to much fun, and try to keep T'Challa out of trouble." Nakia said, Fauna said her final goodbyes as her and the Dora Milaje traveled to Shuri lab. Fauna didn't step into the door fully before Shuri came and dragged her over, "Hurry we must set up the suits." Shuri said in excitement, Fauna laugh, "I don't want no part of this." Fauna said as she grabbed the necklaces placing them on the mannequins, Fauna was very proud that she help design T'Challa new suits. Shuri guided her through some of the more technology aspect of the suits while finishing the more advance parts, Fauna got her station ready as she heard T'Challa land making his way into the lab. "Come on Fauna!" Shuri said running up the stairs to meet her brother, Fauna put the finishing touches on her station then followed Shuri to the top of the stairs. She spotted the Dora Milaje first then her King followed soon after, T'Challa saluted his warriors who returned the saluted, T'Challa smiled at his sister and his love. "My King." Shuri said bowing to her brother, "Stop it, Stop it." T'Challa said to his little sister, both sharing their sibling handshake Shuri giggling through it. Fauna smiled at their relationship, wishing she had siblings, T'Challa smiled towards her walking close to her giving her a kiss.

Shuri gave them a few moments before stoping the love fest, "Ok that's enough! not in my lab." Shuri said walking towards the stairs. The couple pulled apart, "Don't you look beautiful." T'Challa said, Fauna laugh, "Thank you love. You look very handsome as well, love the sandles. I've never seen you wear them before." Fauna said looking down at his footwear, "Do you like them, I wanted to add tradition to new school." T'Challa said as he grab her hand leading her down the stairs to Shuri who was taping her hand on the railing, "Finally, I have so much to show you brotha." Shuri begin, "Who are you taking with you to Korea?" Shuri asked her brother, "Korea?" Fauna asked looking at the siblings, "Oh yea I forgot to mention, he's going on a mission to get Klaue. He finally showed up after so long being off the grid." Shuri said. Fauna listen then looked to her boyfriend who conveniently was looking over the railing with a small smile. "Oh." Fauna simply said pinching her boyfriend lightly, T'Challa kissed her cheek. "I'm taking Okoye of course, and Fauna as well" T'Challa said in dramatics. Fauna and Shuri both paused as T'Challa continue walking down the stairs, "Are you sure that's a good idea?" Fauna asked. T'Challa looked at her nodding his head as if it wasn't really a big deal, "I figure since Nakia said you improved greatly that this could be your first big mission." T'Challa said. Shuri gave her a thumb up, then running to catch up to her brother. Fauna told a breath as she felt excitement and gratitude, 'I won't let you down' Fauna thought as she silently cheered on the stairs, then gathering herself to follow the siblings.

"The question is what are those!" Shuri hollered as she finally spotted what T'Challa was wearing on his feet. Fauna came to a stop hearing the young girl yell, T'Challa put his feet on a stool wiggling his toes to his sister, "You don't like my royal sandles. I figured i'll wear them on my first day." T'Challa cocky said to sister, Shuri wasn't impress, "I'm sure the elders loved it." Shuri said as she wished the Elders would evolve and move with the times. Fauna walked over to them, placing her hand on T'Challa back, "I think their sexy." Fauna whispered to him nipping his ear gently, "Behave." T'Challa said back sliding his and down her backside, "Stop that you two! can you two just stop for like five seconds." Shuri hollered covering her eyes at the couple, "Here try these on." Shuri said placing her shoes on the ground for T'Challa to put on, T'Challa slipped off his sandles placing his feet on the sol, next then T'Challa saw was shoes on his feet. "Fully automated, like those American movies Baba used to watch." Shuri explained, "They are also fully sound absorbent." Fauna chined with excitement, T'Challa tried them out not believing her, "Interesting" T'Challa mumble still in disbelief, those were her favorite things ever, "Guess what I call them?" Shuri asked her brother, T'Challa gave her a look, "Sneakers." T'Challa gave her a deadpan look, "Because you, nevermind." Shuri patted his chest moving on.

Fauna smiled excitedly as they finally made it to her babies, "If you're going to take on Klaue you will need the best the future Queen and design group has to offer." Shuri said with pride allowing Fauna to take the spotlight, Fauna blushed at Shuri introduction, T'Challa smiled lovingly at her giving her his full attention. "Thank You Princess Shuri, now looking at Exhibit A." Fauna said as she pulled out fake glasses and a pointer, causing the sibling to look at her funny, "Where did you-" Shuri begin causing Fauna to shush her, "Now Exhibit A-" "My design." T'Challa said with pried, "Old tech." Fauna dismissed waving her hand as if the suit was just beneath her. "Old tech?!" T'Challa said in disbelief and a bit hurt, Shuri laugh at Fauna and her playing a teacher to her brother. Fauna kissed T'Challa then going back into character, "Functional, but old." Fauna then demonstrated how he had to put on his helmet for the suit to activate, T'Challa gave his girlfriend a look as she kept making fun of his suit, "Ok love I get it." T'Challa tried to be stern but losing his composer laughing along with his sister and girlfriend, "Now look at these." Fauna pointed to her babies with pride, T'Challa looked at the suits that he knew she's been working hard on. His eyes zoomed into the gold necklace, it reminded him of his father suit from so long ago, "Do you like that one?" Shuri asked knowing that he may choose that one, "Tempting, but the point is to not be seen." T'Challa reminded her as he then moved to the silver necklace that was more his speed, his fingers grazing Fauna hands as he passed causing his sister to once again roll her eyes at the two. "This one." T'Challa choose.

Shuri walked to T'Challa activating his war dog tattoo, "Now tell it to go on." Shuri commanded, T'Challa commanded the suit to activate mentally, Fauna was holding her breath hoping he like the suit. "Oooh!" Shuri and Fauna both wooped as the suit came on perfectly. T'Challa smiled at the ladies then looked at the suit in amazement, 'I can't believe my love and sister came up with this.' T'Challa thought. "The entire suit sits within the teeth of the necklace." Fauna explained to him, feeling pried at the look he was given the suit, "Strike it." Shuri commanded. Fauna step back giving T'Challa room, "Anywhere?" T'Challa asked her, "Hmm hm." Shuri said stepping back as well, gently taping Fauna hand, Fauna watched as T'Challa kicked the suit wearing mannequin across the room. "Not that hard T'Challa!" Fauna cried rushing to her baby, T'Challa felt awful but not really, "She told me to strike it love, blame her." T'Challa tried to defend himself as Shuri covered her mouth not helping, "I invite you to my lab and you just kick things around, eh?!" Shuri instigated, T'Challa begin to insult his little sister when he notice purple color in the suit, "Hey, what is that." T'Challa asked as Fauna placed the mannequin back in place, "The nanites absorb the kinetic energy, and hold it in place for redistribution." Shuri explained in excitement, Fauna smiled as she walked to stand beside Shuri, "Very nice, i'm sorry love." T'Challa said smiling at his love, Fauna waved him off with a smile of her own, "Now, strike it again in the same spot." Shuri said as she begin to record, T'Challa looked to her in confusion and suspicion, "You're recording?" T'Challa accused then looking to his love who smiled him sultry, distraction him slightly, "For research purposes." Shuri said innocently enough, T'Challa nod his head taking his eyes off his love, he went to strike again when a blast forced him to fly across the lab floor. Both Shuri and Fauna laugh a gut grabbing laugh, T'Challa should've known not to trust his sister and now his girlfriend, "Delete that footage." T'Challa commanded.

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