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"Hey Darling, still being a whore?""Why do you care Reid?"The two boys glared harshly at each other, only one of which holding amusement

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"Hey Darling, still being a whore?"
"Why do you care Reid?"
The two boys glared harshly at each other, only one of which holding amusement.
"Don't be like that Jimmy,"
Reid grinned, running his hands over the boy's shoulders.
"Get your hands off of me."
Jimmy glared, shoving back the black haired boy.
Reid Starks was beautiful, was, before the accident.
Reid's eyes were a bright blue in contrast to his dark hair.
His smile was something everyone had always taken notice of.
Until one day his father had taken a kitchen knife and sliced each side of the boy's cheek from his lips all the way to his hair line.
Ragged deep scars resembled an eerie smile that was permanently on his face.
"Come on Jimmy,"
Reid grinned, although the scars on his face weren't unnoticeable they didn't make him any less attractive.
Reid couldn't help but run his hands over Jimmy's arms once again.
"Relax gorgeous."
Reid snickered, whispering into Jimmy's ear.
"Oh shit,"
Jimmy sighed, Reid looking to see Meep ripping off a chickens head with his teeth.
"Hey don't be scared,"
Jimmy pulled Reid over to meet the two new girls.
"Meep just got a little excited. It's not everyday he comes across two beauties in one body."
Jimmy glanced out of the corner of his eye to see Reid's jaw clenched harshly along with his fists.
Nothing made the blue eyed boy angrier then Jimmy flirting with other people.
"I'm Jimmy. Jimmy Darling. This is Reid Starks."
Instead of winking like Jimmy had, Reid gave a dark glare to the conjoined twins.
"Come on Darling, we've got posters to hang."
Reid grabbed one of Jimmy's hands, pulling him away all while his glare lingered on the girls.

"Up two inches on your side Evie."
Jimmy called to the woman.
"Okey-dokey, but we're out in the sticks. And this sign is rinky dink."
"Can you just hang the goddamned sign?"
Reid whined like a child.
"I don't like this guys. I don't like this at all. Cops already been snooping around, and now you say they're looking for these two?"
Paul shook his head, holding onto his suspenders with his short arms.
"Should we really be putting up a banner? Whole thing gives me an itch. What if we get raided?"
"Then we'll get raided,"
Reid mumbled with a shrug as he wrapped his arms possessively around Jimmy's shoulders.
"Don't forget, anything dictator Elsa says goes."
Suddenly a car sped by, the boys inside throwing bottles at the three men.
They shouted with laughter.
Reid seethed, along with Jimmy, Evie and Paul grabbing the two boys and holding them in place.
"They aren't worth it."
Evie glared after the car.
"I can't stand it. The way they look at us. The way the treat us,"
Jimmy shook his head, throwing his arm around Reid.
"That's show biz, boys."

Reid ran his hands through Jimmy's hair, kissing his cheek with a soft smile.
"Please come back to my tent and stay the night,"
Reid whispered, kissing against the boy's neck as Jimmy chuckled.
"Sorry, but I have to get home."
Jimmy pointed to the trailer behind him with a grin.
"Darling, come on. You've ignored me for three days."
"Just wait one more."
Jimmy smiled, kissing the boy softly.
"Jimmy. Come on boy."
Ethel called, a smirk gracing Reid's face as Jimmy winked at him before going inside the trailer.
"Stay away from my son."
Ethel leaned close with a hiss.
Reid chuckled darkly, leaning closer with a wide smile.

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