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"Tale!, leave me alone manah,I didn't mean to pass your way wlh. I didn't know you guys were on this lane" I tried explaining my self.

"Keh shegiya, banason naji wanan (you fool, I don't want to hear this). I have warned you never to cross part with me and my friends but you bastard, you never care to listen. sai shishiigi kawaai" he said, his voice mocking me in every way possible.

"Ehh mana wayasan mamanta tafara koyamata aikin da takeyi. dayake sanadiyar haifuwanta (who knows if her mom has already started teaching this bastard child her harlot ways of life)"ladi said. I blinked the tears that was already forming in my eyes.

I couldn't say a word after what they had said, instead I found myself turning back to follow another way to avoid other girls of my age who are ahead of me. why am I even saying my age, every person in this village behaves like this towards me. both the young kids, the teenagers and thier mother's, and the elderly men. only few of the elderly men talk to I and ummah with respect.

I don't know what I did in life to be treated like this. people discriminate me, calling me and ummah all sort of disrespectful names. i was already used to the name everyone foundly referred to me as 'Eyyer shegiya'.

Tears were threatening to fall from my eyes, but i tried my best to hold them in. I have cried enough, they were the same insults I get everyday. it wasn't a new insult I got today, I won't allow the tears to fall again because of those people. with that I cleaned the few tears that already fell from my eyes and entered I and ummahs small hut.

"Ummah Inna wuni (Good day mother)" I greeted her immediately I saw her lying on the prayer mat she used in praying.

"Eyar lele nah (Mama's baby) come here" she said gesturing at a spot on the prayer mat for me to sit besides her.

I sat down and laid my head on her lap.

We fell into silence as always, with  Me staring up at the roof and ummah drifted into a train of thoughts.

"Eyar lele why are you moody?, you haven't said a word since you came" my mother broke the silence that had be fallen us.

"Nothing ummah, I'm just tired" i tried my best to hide it, but umma being a person that knows me very well, quickly figured it out and brushed my hair slowly. I felt at ease at the comforting hands of my mother.

"Don't ever bother about what they say. I get the same treatment from them too but you see, your ummah is a very strong woman. she doesn't get sad but instead she prays about it. so I advice my yar lele to also pray about it and turn deaf ears to their continues blabbering. You're a fighter,  do you know that?" My mother's gaze held great comfort, concern, love and so much more.

"yes ummah, I am a figher and I'll never let their words get to me" I said,  giving her a cute comforting smile which she also returned.

"Now tashi kije Kiya sallah (Now get up and go and pray)" she said and I stood up to leave the room to go perform ablution.

"Idan kin iydar, kiduba saman teburin Chan, zakiga abinchinki (if you are done praying, check that table you will find your food there)" She said and I nodded and went to pick the buta from the garkar (hut frontage).

I prayed and ate the food then I decided to wash the little dishes which we had used in cooking.

Now islamiyya,

School and islamiyya were the only places I dreaded to go in my life,  because those were the places people get the chance to humiliate me even more. i stopped attending the only government school in our village because of the way I was been treated, sometimes I even get beaten by students for no reasons, just because they disliked me.

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