*Chapter 4*

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~Lyssa POV
As we pull to Bridal by Lori I get really happy cuz this is the step to tell me that this is all real, and i am marrying the love of my life but for some reason I feel like this session isn't going to go as i am expecting it to go.
As were sitting joking around a woman walks around the corner
??: hello I'm Nikki who is my bride today
Me: That would be me, I'm Alyssa but I go by Lyssa
Nikki: oh ok, but I do know you are part of Q.O.D and I believe I see the other part of the group. Ok I have to stop fan girling but anyway who do we have with you today
Me:*laughing, gives Nikki a hug* I love to meet fans, but I have my mama Adrienne,  my TT Tam, my TT Loni, my TT Jeanine, my TT Kiely, my soon to be mother in law Sonya, my bridesmaids Lynnie, Kristen, Mille, Brea, Cymphonique and lastly my maid of honor Drea my twin sister
Nikki: oh wow big group ok *laughing* so tell me do you know what you want so far
Me: well I am looking for two dresses one for the ceremony and one for the reception but I want both form fitting, a little sexy, a little elegant, and I definitely want bling on the dresses
Nikki: ok well lets get looking *showing us to the back* *stops at the desk* hey Kelly can you have a Monte and Lori meet me over in section in A cause we have a special guest shop for a dress today
Kelly: ok *speaks into the intercom* Monte and Lori to section A for our extra special guest please
Nikki: thanks Kelly ok lets go girls they should be over soon
~Couple Minutes Later
Lori: ok Nikki what was so important to call us down
Nikki: Lori, Monte I would like to introduce you to the cast of the real, singer Kiely Williams, and the group Q.O.D.  Also our bride who is part of Q.O.D Alyssa also known as Lyssa
Me: omg I am such a fan of both you guys
Lori: thank you sweet heart so let me ask who are we marrying
Me: I am marrying Romeo Miller the love of my life we have been friends since we were 6, he has had my back all of my life even when they moved, and now I know that I will always have him no matter what
~No One's POV
Monte: well thank you sweetie, so what are we looking for
Nikki: she want a form fitting, a little sexy, a little elegant, and she definitely wants bling
Lori: ok so what is our budget
Lyssa: well that would be mama that will have to answer that
Adrienne: her budget is 3,600
Monte: ok we can work with that
Sonya: actually your soon to be father in law sent 6,000 for you to get any dress you want, so if it is over 6,000 then we can use the budget Adrienne
Lyssa: *falls on her knees crying* omg *has a hard time breathing from crying*
Adrienne: *helps Lyssa* come on baby you have to calm down or you are going to have a panic attack ok
Lyssa: *hiccups* o-o-ok *hiccups* can *hiccups* someone *hiccups* c-c-call *hiccups* h-him *hiccups*
Sonya: I already called him baby girl here baby he is on speaker *passes Lyssa the phone*
Daddy P: wassup baby girl
Lyssa: *hiccup* thank you daddy P *hiccups* you didn't have to and * hiccups* I-I really appreciate it
Daddy P: baby you have been my daughter since I meet you at the age of 6 missing one tooth in the front * laughs* so i got you know matter what,  ok so i need you to calm down and enjoy your girls and find your dream dresses ok
Lyssa: *hiccups, and laughs* ok daddy P, I will and i will let you know when we find my dresses
Daddy P: ok I will talk to y'all later, I love all of y'all
Everybody: we love you too
Daddy P: ok peace *hangs up*
Lyssa: ok I am sorry  but i am ready now
Lori: its fine, but ok so Nikki is going to take you to the dressing room with the ones y'all picked already and then we will go from there ok
Lyssa: ok *Walks away to dressing room with Nikki*
As everyone walks to go to sit down, no one notices that Millie walks away to look at dresses, after she finds one she likes goes to a lady that works here named Katelyn and asks to try it on. No one knows where she went till she comes out in a wedding dress, and everyone is shocked
Millie: what y'all don't like it, don't I look beautiful..only if I was the lucky one marrying Romeo
Before anyone can say anything all they hear it
Lyssa: WHAT THE FUCK IS THIS SHIT, ARE YOU FUCKING KIDDING ME RIGHT NOW *runs back to the dressing room crying*
Nikki follows to make sure she is ok but Lyssa makes Nikki take the dress off her and asks her to give her a few minutes alone to calm down but after Nikki leaves the room Lyssa locks the door and starts crying again. She wouldn't let anyone in
Adrienne: *calls Romeo crying* Roro baby I need you to call Lyssa right now
Romeo: wait mama A what is going on
Adrienne: *takes a deep Breath to calm down* Millie went and found a dress, put it on and was stand on the little stage smiling all big talking about only if she was the lucky one marrying you. Then Lyssa took off running to the dressing room took the dress off and locked everyone out while she's crying
Romeo: ok mama don't worry about it i am going to call her and handle it *hangs up* *dials Lyssa*
Lyssa: *looks at her ringing phone for a few minutes* *answers* hello
Romeo: baby why are you letting her ruin your day, I told you to kick her to curb a while ago she is just jealous but she is never going to have me cause I want you and she is not even benefiting you. So let me tell you what you about to do is get up, clean you face,  unlock that door, tell Millie to kiss that fat juicy ass of yours I love so much, tell her that she is no longer in the wedding and to catch an Uber home, then you are going to tell your consultant that you are ready to continue and find the dress that you are going to be wearing when you meet me at the alter, got it?
Lyssa: yes baby I got it
Romeo: good call me when you have found y'all dresses ok, I love you
Lyssa: ok baby, I love you too *hangs up* *gets up,  cleans her face, unlocks the door, and walks out* Millie you have truly shown your true colors so, I need to tell since you don't care about me an your not benefiting me...I no longer want you in my wedding, we are no longer friends, and Romeo told me to tell you personally that you can kiss this fat juicy ass that he loves so much and you can Uber your ass home. Nikki, Lori, and Monte I am so sorry for how I acted but I am ready to continue thanks to my fiancé
Nikki, Lori, & Monte: well let's get started then
Millie: bitch you think he loves you, you will never be have the woman I am...so you should bring your fat, ugly ass out of the damn clouds because no one could ever love a fat bitch like you
~To Be Continued
What do you think Lyssa will do?
Do you think Romeo was right ?
Do you feel like Lyssa is over reacting ?
What do you think everybody else is going to say?
How do you think Romeo is going to feel about what Millie said?
Remember to always
Love you guys💋💜💙

 {Q.O.D version}*Abused, but becomes a star*حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن