1- Average Day?

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Thanks to anyone who's reading ^w^
And pardon my ramblings of they come up 'T-T

(Oc) Naiomi's P.O.V.-

*Alarm noises--*


I take my hand off of the alarm clock as I sat up and stretched my back, getting a few, satisfying pops in return. I look over at my phone to look at the date and time "20XX, XX-XX (early autumn/late summer), Saturday, 8:07." I mumble to myself as I got up to the closet to change out of my pj's into a comfy green t-shirt, long jean shorts, and a navy blue light jacket.

I walked out of my room, through the living room, and to the kitchen to make a bowl of cereal. I open the pantry door aaand...

There's no food D':

"Whelp, looks like I got one more thing to do today!" I say in a sarcastic and cheery voice.

I reached for my bag and house keys sitting on the kitchen counter before walking out the door to lock it. Turning around to walk into town. I live quite close to the town I live in, so I don't need to use a car, I do have a bike that I don't use very often (hills kill me T-T), but I like to walk around in the happy atmosphere. But normally during the winter I just use a bus, taxi, or I just call a friend over to pick me up. But I just walked.


I stop by the Bitty Center to check in for my weekly shift. I used to just volunteer but after about year or so ago Mama Quill (the owner) insisted that I should work here on a regular basis. As I walk inside, I am met with a cozy and lively atmosphere. The front room was basically a shop for Bitty supplies and whatnot. Then to my right was a desk/cash register that had a door behind it. I walked over already knowing that door led to Mama Quill's office. When I walked in I saw... well, a plump, stubby, quail-like monster, Mama Quill, working in piles of messy paperwork. I set my backpack down and give her a warm smile. She's a really nice person, and she has this faint accent in her voice that I really like.

"Morning Mama Quill"

"Oh, hello Naiomi! How have you been?"

"Great! After this I gotta go get groceries though T-T."

"Awwww, is it that time already?" She teases me as she brings out a plate of snicker doodle cookies. (As far as I know, they're these really fluffy cookies, there really good) I could already feel my mouth watering at the smell.

"Hehe, you can take one" she holds the plate closer to me as I grab a cookie and stuff it in my mouth.

"Hehe, when you're finished with that you can go ahead and pick up the list of tasks around the center. When you're done, go to the front room and take the cashier shift for your remaining time, and then your free." Mama Quill said, pointing at the paper on the desk with her work attitude.

"AYE, AYE, CAPTAIN!" I responded with a salute to tease her from earlier.

I finished the cookie and pick up the list to look over the objectives.'Check on every bitty, give out food and water, water the gardens..' Oh I almost forgot to mention that outside behind the center Quill somehow managed to get a decently sized backyard and a shed/greenhouse for any gardener Bittys and just to have some extra home grown foods in general.

I walked through another door that led to the Bitty room. It was simply a free roaming area where potential Bitty adopters could go and see if a Bitty wants to be there companion, for both parties must agree for the adoption.

I walked over to the cabinet and take out the prepped food for breakfast and started setting up around fifty, tiny, plates and thimbles for food and water.

Bitty Forced Destroyer [REALLY slow updates(might As Well  Be Discontinued :/)]Where stories live. Discover now