Chapter 1, The Escape

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I looked at my self in the mirror, why cant I look as pretty as all the other girls around Melbourn? My name is Ellie and for the past 6 years i have been abused by my parents. I used to be a happy kid until my dad started drinking alot. My mum on the other hand was the sweetest woman until my dad hurt her, after that she didnt care about me. She didnt care what my dad did to me. For the last 3 years of my life I have been self harming, I guess do it because I think if my dad can hurt me, I can hurt myself. I sat down on my bed and I heard lound thumps coming up the stairs. I knew it was him. I knew what he was going to do. I sat on my bed waiting for my dad to barge through the door and hurt me. The door burst open and my dad stomped through. I noticed he was drunk and that usually doesn't end well. He walked up to me and slapped my face, I guess I was used to the pain so i didn't say anything. He grabbed my wrist and I winced in pain. His nails dug into my cuts, he threw me on the floor and kicked me in the stomach before walking out. I noticed my mum was behind him with a smirk on her face. She closed my door and walked off. I stood up, pain still in my stomach and I grabbed my backpack and chucked in my phone, charger, laptop and charger, some clothes, some make up, some money, my razors and other things i needed. I grabbed my shoes and jumper and put them on. I quietly walked down stairs and bolted out the door. I WAS FREE. I ran to the train station, bought my ticket and hopped on the train. i didnt know where i was going, but i didnt care. 

So first chapters up guys hope you enjoy. We will try update as mush as we can.

we love you and remember 

Stay strong, Stay beautiful and never change. xxx

Self harm, abuse and Luke Brooks (a janoskian fanfict)Where stories live. Discover now