•Chapter 2•

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•Theadora Sanford•

I woke up with a ball of fur curled next to me. Cat normally doesn't sleep in his little room, He likes to sleep beside me. I don't really know how he makes it all the way up here. I slowly got out of bed and noticed I was up earlier than usual. It was Sunday and most of the members were grumpy about school being tomorrow. I was never allowed to attend school. I wish I could! I want to learn to read, and do math! I always see the complicated problems but I love to solve things.

Everyone refers to the school as a bad thing, but I hadn't been allowed out of the pack house ever since I was born. I never made friends or had anyone to love besides mama. I never knew my father, mama didn't like to talk about him.

I took a shower, got dressed, and brushed my teeth. Just the usual.

I entered the kitchen after my daily routine and began to cook.

• • •

"Master." I bowed to Beta Bryce who sat down and began to eat. Alpha Alexander sat down as well and began to do so.

"Here." Alpha Alexander threw me a piece of bacon. It fell on the dirty ground and I picked it up and hurried to my room. I cleaned it off a bit and split it in half.

"Cat," I whispered entering my room.

I heard a soft, "meow," on my bed and his head poked out of the cover.

"We have food," I grinned giving him the bacon. He licked the bacon first, then took a small bite. He eventually finished it and hopped from the bed and lapped water from his bowl.

I ate the bacon slowly to let the flavor last longer. Cat rubbed my legs and meowed slowly. I realized he hadn't been outside in a while. I grabbed my stool and stood on it. My room was in the basement and my window was high up. I had to go on a stool to reach it. When I found Cat, I made a method with the bushes covering my window. I cut it every once in a while so that it was easy to just push back and forth. I unhooked the window and opened it.

The cold air hit me, making me shiver. I pushed the bushes back, revealing the acres of green grass that were lightly covered in snow. Cat loved snow. I picked him up and let him roam outside. I kept my window open so that he could come back in whenever.

I exited my room to begin my chores. Most pack members were home doing their homework. When I realized I had no chores, I spent my time exploring the house. I rarely got to do it. I would do it more often when I was younger, but that was when Mama was alive. I began to work when she died. Sighing, a frown appeared on my face. I missed Mama. She had green eyes and black hair. We shared the same hair but not the same eyes. Mine were blue and Mama said that it was the color of my papa's eyes. She never told me who he was, just that I had his eyes.

I entered the library and gasped at the variety of books. It was really amazing! The entire place was filled with books. No one entered the library except Alpha Alexander when he had pack work. Most pack members weren't interested in this kind of stuff. Mama loved to read. She read to me a lot when I was little. The only time anyone actually came in here was to use a book for a school project. I remembered mama's favorite book was Little Women. I would cry every time she read it to me. I didn't prefer the movie because I like the setting and people how they are in my imagination rather than a screen.

I looked through the many shelves and picked out a random book. It had the words: G-R-E-A-T E-X-P-E-C-T-A-T-I-O-N-S. I stared at it in wonder, imagining on my own what the book would be about. I wished that I could read. I heard someone clear their throat from behind me and I jumped in shock. The book fell out of my hands in the process.

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