Finding a boyfriend. Falling In Love.

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Sabine's POV.

I was here on Earth, since I loved this planet better than all the other planets, but sure, there there is another copy of the jedi omanet, and I liked that planet too. I had my special Star Wars passport, wherever I went, I showed it. I lived all alone with the robot chefs. I knew how to clean with the cleaning items. I wanted a boyfriend. One from Mandalore. I started to head jntunthesoecual mandalorian club. I was 22. I was able to go in. I saw. My ex-boyfriend with a girl. I knew she was also from Lothal.

Alex's POV.

I owned this club with friend. Thea was my best friend. We broke up when we were fighting physically. I was always hanging with my YouTuber crushes. I did see one girl and she was staring at Ezra. I walked over and said: something wirung? Ezra said: my ex-girlfriend is here. I'm Trying to talk with Cheyenne, my girlfriend. Sabine is verbally fighting with me. Sabine said: Please, don't kick me out. I just want a mandalorian boyfriend. I was looking for a mandalorian Boyfriend. I said: oh, okay. My YouTuber crushes said: you'll be perfectly, Sabine. Alex had broken up,with the one with the microphone. Sanem nituced her. Sanem saudnshe was your ex-girlfriend, but you're still friends? Wow.

Sabine's POV.

I said: breath spray. Alex said: breath spray. He did a fainted go,d kiss on me and Thea didn't care. I waited for Alex to go on the stage. Alex said: hello, everybody here. Mandalorians and Lothal people. Tonight he the band from Lothal aking with my favorite band, that I will sing with, KISS. I was worried Ezra and Thea night sung Every Time I Look At You and I Still Love You to us. Alex said: that's j mynif they really love us and want to get back together I will play Every Time I Look At You and Nothing Can Keep Me From You for cneyenne and you, Sabine.

After the show.

I was late and Alex left and he had his things still with his ex-girlfriend. Alex said: Sabine will move your things into your house. I said: okay. I was happy and I helped him and he had a room with me but in a single bed. I said for the safety. We went to brush and I kissed ame nefire we went to bed and Alex feel in to the double bed and I forgot we could sleep together as long it's with pajamas and undershirts. I laid my head on Alex's chest before the pillow. Alex stroked my hair and said: imy, Sabine Wren. I said: I love you too. Then we fell asleep on the pillow.

Thea's POV.

Knew Alex and Sabine would last. Oliver said: I'm glad you're friends. I sawthe boy was my for We boyfriend. Roy said: i want t younback. I saidmhes. It was night time and we went to brush our teeth and we went to sleep with ur pajamas and roynssid I love you again, Thea Queen. I think we will last as long as Alex and Sabine. I said: I love you too, Roy.

Alex's POV.

I saw that Roy and Thea got back together. Sabine and I were happy they did. Thea lend the window and said: guys we will strengthen our relationship together by we won't be together, so tht way the awkwardness doesn't go live and I don't scream and take you. Sabine said: smart. If if one couldme could help us. We we could help one. Omer saw us and said: actually my son and his girlfriend, who is renes daughter, Zoe could use some help. Roy and I said: we will help William and Zoe. Sabine said: yes. Thea said: yes. I would love to help. Y nephew and his girlfriend. I said: then it's wttked. We will help them strengthen their relationship as we strengthen our relationships.

sabine and I rushed our teeth's and went j the separate bathrooms and showered and then we put the robes on us. I hugged Sabine and then were using the scanner for the underwaer and c,others. I said: oh my gosh, Sabine you re so oretty and beautiful. Sabine n,I shed and said: thank you, Alex. After the robot chefs made us breakfast. After we brushed Jordan teeth aag8na and dhen we decided to gun the mall. We met William, Zoe, Thea, and Roy there.

William's POV.

I was with mynanint Roy, Zoe, Alex, and Sabine. Thea said: we will all help you and Zoe strengthen their relationship as we are strengthening our relationships. Aie ssidmthyo. Alex said: when you're alone that isnwhen you can always hug and when you're with all of us, you cam holdhand with each other like we are doing. Zoe said: okay, what else? Sabine when you're fighting try to laugh when you tickle each other but not in the personal area. Zoe said: smart. Thea said: when you're in the movies hikd hands and share popcorn and put your arm around each other. Saw me said: the finak thing try to care for each other when you're sick. Thea said: or let me or your athere did that. I said: okay thanks for all that.

Roy's POV.

We went up and we went the I Joel. We saw it and we didn't have popcorn. Alex said: we can save \ eating when we eat something at the food court. After a White House we went over and we hand what we all love. Panda a\Express.

Zoe's POV.

We returned home and we saw Alex and Sabine go in their home. I was happy after a triple date with Roy, Thea, Alex, and Sabine. O,kee could we we were together and kawasynfing the things that we were taught my Alex, Sabine, Roy, and Thea. I,kee said: nice guys. Now you,k be strengthen your relationship as they're strengthening their relationship. Y father ,Keke how William was treating me with the help of Alex, Sabine, Thea, and Roy. It was also most. Jgthtime. It was 4:00 PM. I was Roy and William ring sime kind of wirniyt. Thea said: Alex ans done this wirniyt. Alex us doing it now. My father. Rene said: uts the AC/DC wormkyt. They're acting like Angus Young. Now we will learn how to fight like the way Alex does. Like


Sabine's POV.

I knew that was sister, Sabby was jangle and she was in support of me, Alex, Roy, Thea, william, and aoe. After Alex was die. Doing his AC/DC wirmiut and he went to shower and we made a small dinner and then we watched a movie and it was a funny movie. After went to brush our teeth and got unti ur pajamas and undershirts and we went to sleep.

William's POV.

In the. Or ign, I had learned how to cook and rky was up and he said: wilkiam we are making breakfast for our girls. I said: yes. You'll make it for my aunt Thea, and I'm making it for Zoe. Rene and my dad were I kressed and they made breakfast fjrnthemskeces in the second kitchen. After we went upstairs j th the siesrate rooms. Zoe thjght i did so God and ssjdnused the scanner for the clean breath and teeth and so did I. We kissed. Asfter she ate and she said: oh my gosh, william, I love you. I saw ame and Sabine did it to.

Oliver's POV.

I saw felicity came back and I Star Wars Jedi Quest hey. She said: u have seen Alex, Roy, and Thea have gitten help,grim Alex and Sabine. I said: yes. Thea then hugged her and so did william. Thea said: you know what? I'm giveing the mandalorian club to Alex and Sabine. I said: good idea. I think thank you,l a,low the couples young ur one night and unnnthenther night they will have older ones.

Evil Sabby's POV.

I had seen Jake San e and Alex had helped Roy, Thea, William, and aoe with tier relationship and strengthening their relationship. I ,iced all kmemb I was okay with it. I saw. My family called and I answered. Y mother, father and brother knew Alex and Sabine were helping Zoe, William, Roy, and Thea. I said they are doing better than inthjhgnt. I and sathen was scanned. The guns knocked me out and I was saw my famikynwas knocked out. I was in a chair.

Alex's POV.

I saw Sabby was evil. Sabine was in shock and I saw the real one was with Zay and with the fruit with Riley. The Imperial Police arrested her. Sabine said: nice. I even see my family were good and they were Forced to work with the Evil side.

Sabby's POV.

I saw Riley, Maya, Farkle, Lucas, Zay, and Smackle had seen how Alex and Sabine and helped William, Zoe, Roy, and Thea that they tookall that to their time to strengthen all of our relationships. Josh said: I like how we are strengthening our relationships the same way Sabine, Alex, Roy, Thea, William, and Zoe.

I knew Team Friends were broken up, but the star crushes are with the support of Alex and Thea and the YouTuber crushes are for them and they are in support of all of us. I was Zay and we saw soon that we would go to Mandalore and Zay said: we are the Girl Meets World couples. I said: sweet. I was starting to get hot.

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