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16 years later

For the first time in 12 years, Remus knew a fact. He knew something real about his world. For 12 years, he had been led on, believing that Sirius betrayed Lily and James, murdered Peter in cold blood only to learn that this was all a lie. The fact being that Sirius was innocent and everyone had been lied to by Dumbledore. He always wondered why Sirius didn't get a trial and he looked through countless books about wizarding law and read all of the news articles. He refused to believe for so long that Sirius would do such a thing. His refusals were right. That night at the Shrieking Shack revealed it all. The hardest part of that was that Harry, for a while at least, was against them. He was too young to remember of course but at a time, Remus and Sirius would have been his uncles Moony and Padfoot. Chasing him on that little toy broom Sirius bought him or spoiling him senseless with candy and chocolate from Honeydukes. All of those memories Remus held on to fondly, just gone. Still, for the first time in 12 years, he didn't endure a full moon alone. When he transformed, he remembered seeing the familiar black dog he had loved, but when he looked around, no stag or rat was insight, no matter how hard he looked. 

Sirius was happy for the first time in 12 years. He missed Remus, Lily, Harry, James every single moment he was in Azkaban. He saw flashes of memories when he and Remus would pretend it was just them in the world. Stolen kisses, partying madly in the Gryffindor common room, only to have those happy memories tucked away and turned into sadness from the dementors. He hoped every day that Remus would come and see him, so he could explain what happened but it always hit him like a train. Remus was still a werewolf without the "protection" of Albus Dumbledore. He would have had practically no rights and even if he did try to visit, it would probably be to blame Sirius for everything. He had no energy left to cry about that. But now, he could explain to Remus what happened. They could be friends again. Maybe, they could go back to where they were before all hell broke loose on their already broken lives. He could reconnect with Harry as well. He remembered being there when he was a child. Transforming into Padfoot to make him laugh, having him braid his fur and happy times when the Marauders were good and together.

Harry was confused at seeing his "Professor Lupin" in such an odd way. Seeing his godfather as something other than a murderer. Learning that the rat he had been introduced to on his first day of school was the reason his parents were dead. That the reason he had to grow up in the abusive household of the Dursleys' was because of this rat who befriended his parents and still got them killed. Even stranger knowing that at a time, he did know both of them. That the reason Professor Lupin knew his name on the train wasn't because of his global fame, but because he knew him since he was born. Maybe, they would even get to reconnect that bond. Sirius could be found innocent and Harry could grow to remember what he was to him and he could even have a new little family. 

After the events of the Shrieking Shack and when Dumbledore did nothing to protect Sirius, Remus saw him for who he truly was. An old fool who used people to his advantage only to leave them behind when they are no longer of use to him. Sirius had tried convincing Remus of this but he was blind due to the kindness he showed to Remus by allowing him to attend Hogwarts. This was the reason he left. When Sirius managed to escape, the two Marauders met up one last time. They hadn't been able to speak to each other in 12 years. Sirius finally got to know that Remus never truly thought that he would betray James and Lily like that and Remus got proof of his innocence. Before Sirius left to go into hiding with Buckbeak, Remus said one last thing: "Is your marriage proposal still valid?" He barely managed to say this without breaking into tears. If Sirius said yes, he would get to do what he had always wanted to do since 5th year. Get married to the man he loved. Sirius responded equally tearful, "If you'll have me." 

A/N: Well humans and aliens of Area 51, that's a wrap. I truly hope you enjoyed this fic. I'm thinking of writing another Harry Potter fic so hopefully, it will be better than this one. I had so much fun writing this and what is your idea of a perfect wolfstar wedding? Anyway, see you soon with my new fic and again, thank you for reading! It means a lot to me.    


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