Start from the beginning

Sam continued to explain the rules once more before Rose spoke up saying, "I would just like to add by the way, if the viewers didn't watch the last hide and seek, I WON THE FUCKING GAME." yelling to the camera.

"Ok we get it your a winner BUT WE ALL KNOW IM GONNA WIN." Kevin yelled back to her.

"Alright children, I'm gonna give you 5 minutes on the clock and then you guys can hide." as everyone started to get up and go to their places.

Rose takes a quick look over to Jake and yells, "Ok Jake time to go in the oven!" She threatens to Jake standing up going to carry him.

"Oh crap no." they both run around the apartment while the other laugh and chuckle at their sibling-like bond.

—"So Sam, or Reggie because he's fucking editing this video, told me just film everyone in their spots all at once instead of having like 7 different clips of their hiding cam, which FUCK YOU REGGIE YOU LAZY ASS BITCH." standing in the living room area with her iPhone camera.

Then from a distance she hears, "Shut up Tara wannabe." Reggie says by the kitchen counter under a small chair. She laughs as she turns the camera around to zoom in on his place.

"Hopefully he doesn't die." facing the camera back to her beautiful face. She started off by going to the filming room in which Jake was present in. "Now we have Jakey Spider here, hiding in Sams filming room, under his table." going on her knees to capture Jake who was lying down on the floor.

"What up dog." Jake greeted to the camera. She immediately gets up and walks away to capture the other subjects saying.

"I'm not a dog I'm a fucking Rose." quietly as she roams the little hallway to the merch/clothes closet area. "Then we have Aryia here, I don't know if you can see him but he's like behind the little like rack area." entering the room and filming him sitting up with his knees up.

"Hey guys." waving to the camera. Leaving the room she realized that she forgot to capture Cassie who was hiding behind one of Sam's big plants in the living room.

"And how can I forget Cassie who is literally behind a fucking tree?!" zooming her iPhone camera as Cassie giggles at her.

Cassie goes on to tell her to "Shuuuusssh." putting her pointer finger to her mouth to shush the girl.

"Lets go upstairs to see if we have any suspects here." walking up the stairwell loudly.

The brunette giggles as she sees Tara behind the calendar by Sams other desk. "Tara are you kidding me?" Rose quietly yells making Tara giggle silently as she peaks her head out of the calendar.

"I don't know any other fucking spots ok, bear with me." Rosalyn nods her head sarcastically before going back downstairs.

"Now lets go to Sams bedroom and see if there's anyone there." walking through the door, to see the room was empty but walking to the bathroom to see Colby, Kevin, and Mike in the bathroom.

"So these are the last 3 idiots hiding in the same spot." they wave at the camera. She panned the camera to Kevin and Mike saying, "We have these two little angels sitting on the edges of the bathtub." then panned the camera to Colby saying, "Then we have this emo idiot sitting on top of the sink." making Mike and Kevin giggle slightly, but Colby glaring at Rose.

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